LC 300 UHPLC System | 爱游戏平台注册登录
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LC 300 UHPLC係統

爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300平台重新定義了液相色譜體驗,提供了處理最具挑戰性分析需求所需的靈活性、性能和效率。我們提供多種檢測器和配件,可定製化您的體驗,每個LC 300係統都是為滿足您最重要的規格而設計的。搭配Simplicity Chrom™ CDS 軟件,LC 300 HPLC係統提升了用戶體驗,包含簡化的液相色譜儀工作流程、直觀的功能和自動化流程。

LC 300 HPLC System
LC 300 UHPLC System
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The 爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System has been designed to increase laboratory productivity and throughput, even in the face of challenging budget and staffing situations. Paired with the intuitive SimplicityChrom Chromatography Data System (CDS) Software, our LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System are the ideal solution for labs seeking to maximize their liquid chromatography experience. The LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System offers superior performance and flexibility throughout its intelligent design:

  • Robust and precise autosampler with integrated column oven and preheater, as well as a high visibility color LCD display showing full instrument system status, current queue and sample progress.
  • Optional external Peltier column oven for ultra-precise heating and cooling, for sample integrity and exceptionally accurate results.
  • Patented Intermediate Loop Decompression (ILD™) valve ensures the injection of an accurate and reproducible sample volume, while also increasing the lifetime of columns used in analysis.
  • Automated, onboard sample dilution and derivatization capabilities simplify the front-end analytical processes, while also ensuring reproducibility and precision.
  • 10k psi solvent delivery pump for high-end HPLC functionality, delivering repeatable solvent delivery at a wide range of flow rates and pressures. Powerful 18k psi pump for ultra-precise UHPLC analyses, delivering repeatable solvent delivery at a wide range of flow rates and pressures.
  • Automatic priming design allows the system to achieve full self-priming capabilities, automating the otherwise cumbersome priming process utilized in many other systems.
  • Built-in solvent degassing technology simplifies the analytical process, and obviates the need for a separate, external degassing module.
  • Portfolio of five available detectors, which can be used individually or in sequence.
    • Photodiode array (PDA)
    • Multiwavelength UV/Vis (MWD)
    • Single wavelength UV/Vis
    • Refractive index (RI)
    • Fluorescence (FL)
  • Efficient and powerful instrument control with SimplicityChrom CDS Software, allowing customizable workflows and experiences and supporting compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 requirements.


型號名稱 LC 300 UHPLC System


Depth 22 inches
Height 38.2 inches maximum (single stack with detector and standalone solvent organizer)
Weight 183 pounds (single stack with one detector and standalone solvent organizer) or 260 pounds maximum (dual stack with external oven)
Width 13.5 inches maximum per component
  • 所有


LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC Systems Interactive Brochure

Laboratories in nearly every industry are continuously faced with growing demands for increased throughput, improved margins, and more efficient processes. And when it comes to liquid chromatography, a one-size-fits-all approach just isn’t enough. You need an LC system tailored to your needs, wit ...

Chromatography Solutions for Soft Drink Analysis

Monitoring the consistency and quality in soft drinks is essential to ensure a positive brand image and a loyal customer base. Our full portfolio of chromatography solutions, including LC, GC and GC/MS, enables you to meet – and even exceed – your quality control goals with rapid, intuitive, and ...



LC 300 Product Note

The 爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300 liquid chromatography systems are the result of listening to user needs, and paying careful attention to every detail in the resulting design. The LC 300 systems are the ideal solution for labs faced with high throughput requirements or challenging chromatographic separatio ...

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SimplicityChrom CDS

SimplicityChrom is a modern, intuitive and flexible CDS software platform that enables users to efficiently control their instrument, process data, and generate results. Pair this functionality with the peace of mind of 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and industry-leading service and ...

Epic HPLC-UHPLC Column Phase Specifications Sheet

The Epic™ line is our latest range of LC columns, based on high density monomerically bonded phases produced through a proprietary bonding process. Epic HPLC and UHPLC columns are compatible with a wide range of organic modifiers and buffers and stable over a wide pH range. All Epic products use ...

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楓糖漿是一種常見的天然甜味劑,世界各地家庭都經常食用。楓糖漿中糖分含量的量化對於滿足產品標簽要求和確保標簽聲明的準確性至關重要。雖然蔗糖是楓糖漿中的主要糖分,但對其他複雜碳水化合物(包括葡萄糖、果糖和麥芽糖)進行完整的鑒定和量化是必不可少的。在本應用說明中,提出了一種測定上述四種複合碳水化合物的有效方法。采用LC 300 HPLC係統,並利用親水性相互作用色譜(HILIC)技術,隨後通過LC 300示差折光(RI)檢測器實現檢測。


異黃酮是一種水溶性化合物,存在於許多植物和食物中。異黃酮被命名為植物雌激素,在結構上與雌性激素相似,並已被證明對人類健康有許多有益的影響,例如減少某些癌症的發生,以及改善膽固醇比率。然而,研究也表明,異黃酮的植物雌激素性質也會導致現有甲狀腺疾病的惡化,因為內分泌係統受到幹擾。因此,精確定量保健品中的異黃酮含量是至關重要的,以確保標簽聲明的準確性和消費者的安全。在本應用說明中,闡述了一種高效、可靠的測定六種常見異黃酮化合物的方法。該方法是根據美國藥典關於膳食補充劑膠囊中大豆異黃酮的專著而開發的,采用爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300 UHPLC係統分離,並通過LC 300 PDA檢測器檢測化合 ...

采用帶有PDA檢測器的爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300 HPLC係統分析16種大麻素

準確定性和定量分析大麻素是將安全和高質量大麻花和強化產品推向市場的關鍵步驟。隨著世界各地娛樂性大麻使用持續合法化,需要快速有效的液相色譜法測定大麻素含量,以滿足監管和消費者的需求。本文介紹了16種常見大麻素的快速簡便測定方法。利用帶PDA檢測器的爱游戏平台注册登录 LC 300 HPLC係統,該方法可在7分鍾內洗脫所有16種化合物,大多數分析物的定量限為0.15µg/mL。


乳糖是乳製品中的主要碳水化合物。在全球範圍內,乳糖的分析尤其重要,因為許多人患有乳糖不耐受症。本項工作闡述了一種常規樣品製備和定量分析馬蘇裏拉乳清幹酪和牛奶中乳糖的方法。由於乳糖可以水解或酶解產生單糖類葡萄糖和半乳糖,這兩種糖可以色譜分離,但不能定量。這個方法使用帶示差折光(RI)檢測器的Altus™ HPLC 係統,特別適用於分析很少或沒有紫外線吸收的分析物,如許多食糖。

HPLC: Analysis of Acrylate Monomers

Acrylate polymers are utilized for a host of applications due to their varied physical properties and ease of synthesis. These acrylates are sought after specifically for coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE) applications because of their stability, high heat resistance, excellent w ...

Paeoniflorin Analysis in Paeoniae Radix Alba by LC-UV

Paeoniae radix alba, also known by its Chinese phonetic name as Baishao, is a Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal plant used to treat inflammatory disorders. Paeoniflorin, the major active component extracted from Paeoniae radix alba, offers proven efficacy against gynecological disorders, pain, ...

HPLC Analysis of Lamotrigine Using an Epic C18 SD Column in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia

Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug in the phenyl triazine class used in the treatment of both epilepsy and as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. It is the first medication since lithium to be granted US FDA approval for maintenance treatment of bipolar type 1, and is approved for use in mo ...

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HPLC: Rapid Quantitation of Vitamins in Biological Fluids using HPLC and IVD-CE Certified Kits

Vitamins are involved in a variety of different physiological processes and must be assimilated with the daily nutrition as they cannot be synthesized within the human body. The biochemical functions of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are mainly linked to its antioxidant and radical scavenger propertie ...

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Analysis of Common Preservatives in Personal Care Products by HPLC with UV Detection

Parabens are utilized as an antimicrobial preservative in many commercial offerings including cosmetics, personal care products and foods, and offer both chemical and thermal stability to products. Although parabens increase the safety of products, recent studies have suggested that parabens may ...

HPLC Analysis of Pregabalin Using Epic C18 Column in Accordance With USP

Pregabalin is an anti-epileptic drug that works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. It can also be utilized to treat fibromyalgia, or nerve pain in people with diabetes, herpes zoster, or spinal cord injury owing to its ability to affect chemicals in the brain that send pai ...

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Analysis of Saccharides in High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a substitute for sucrose in a wide variety of products, including baked goods, sauces, beverages, canned fruits and dairy products. HFCS is produced from regular corn syrup, with an enzymatic process that isomerizes some of the corn syrup's glucose into fructose ...



HPLC Analysis of Betamethasone Dipropionate Using Epic C18 HPLC Column

Glucocorticoid steroids work by suppressing various aspects of the human immune system in conditions where hyperactivity can cause poor health through allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune dysfunction. Betamethasone dipropionate belongs to this class of steroids. It is used for its high potency ...

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HPLC Analysis of Finasteride Using an Epic C18 HPLC Column

Finasteride is an antiandrogenic compound or ‘testosterone blocker’ which is used as a treatment for an enlarged prostate and can treat male hair loss. It inhibits the production of the enzyme Type-II 5a-reductase which converts testosterone into the more active metabolite 5a-dihydrotestosterone ...

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HPLC Analysis of Common Ginsenosides Found in Ginseng Using the Chinese Pharmacopeia

The term ginseng can refer to several natural products and herbal remedies usually produced from the plant, panax ginseng. Panax ginseng is considered a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as it has a reported wide range of medicinal properties such as antioxidant effects and promotion of immune f ...

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HPLC Analysis of Acetaminophen, Aspirin and Caffeine Using an Epic C18 Column in Accordance with the USP

Acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine used in combination are an effective method of treating acute headaches and migraines. The combination of these substances is considered superior to acetaminophen on its own when treating headaches. There are other benefits due to the individual components of t ...

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Chlorogenic Acid Analysis in Children Throat-Reliever Granule by LC-UV

Utilized for throat inflammation in children, Xiaoer Yanbian Keli granules are a traditional Chinese formulated medicine, comprised of the Lonicera Japonica herbal plant. Chinese Pharmacopoeia developed standards in 2020 to ensure quality control, and has finalized the assay of a method in which ...

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Oleanlic Acid and Ursonic Acid Analysis of Chaenomelis Fructus by LC-UV

Chaenomeles, the fruit of the Chinese flowering quince, is utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and astringent properties, and has also been shown to aid in digestion. For implementation of quality control processes, Chinese Pharmacopo ...

Characteristic Components Analysis in Lonicerae Japonica Flos by LC-UV

Lonicera Japonica Flos is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used for the treatment of inflammation and infectious diseases. Chinese Pharmacopoeia has developed a method to support quality control efforts which includes the analysis of seven components in Lonicera Japonica Flos samples.

I ...

HPLC Analysis of Amlodipine Besylate in Accordance with the USP

Amlodipine besylate belongs to a class of drugs known as dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers. It is primarily used to treat hypertension and angina as well as other conditions which arise as a result of coronary artery disease. As a calcium channel blocker, it prevents diffusion of calcium i ...

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HPLC Analysis of Hydrocortisone in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia

Hydrocortisone is the pharmaceutical term for cortisol used in oral administration, intravenous injection, or topical application. It is often used in the treatment of severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis and angioedema. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) provides monographs for the ident ...

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HPLC Analysis of the Semi-Synthetic Antibiotic Azithromycin Using an Epic C18 Column

Azithromycin, discovered in 1980, is a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic related to erythromycin. The drug is widely used to treat chest infections such as pneumonia, infections of the nose and throat such as sinus infection (sinusitis), skin infections, Lyme disease, and some sexually transmit ...

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HPLC Analysis of Lamotrigine Related Compound B Impurity in Accordance with the USP

Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug belonging in the phenyl triazine class. It is used in the treatment of both epilepsy and as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. Lamotrigine related compound B also known as 2,3-dichlorobenzoic acid is a key intermediate for the antiepileptic drug Lamotrigi ...

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爱游戏登录网 LC 300 自動進樣器中心回路泄壓(ILD)進樣閥

向UHPLC係統進樣準確且可重複的樣品體積並非易事,但對於確保高質量分析至關重要。LC 300自動進樣器中配置的爱游戏登录网 專利中心回路卸壓(ILD)閥是一個轉子密封處專門放置徑向凹槽的7通閥,可確保準確和可重複樣品體積的進樣,同時也增加了分析中使用的色譜柱壽命。

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Clone Columns Sonoma C18(2) and Luna C18(2)

Legacy methods, by their very nature, often use older column technologies. These older phases can be accompanied by larger variations in batch-to-batch performance which can lead to inconsistent results and cause out of specification (OOS) occurrences. With routine analysis, often completed with ...

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Clone Columns Aviator C18 and ACE C18

Legacy methods, by their very nature, often use older column technologies. These older phases can be accompanied by larger variations in batch-to-batch performance which can lead to inconsistent results and cause out of specification (OOS) occurrences. With routine analysis, often completed with ...

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A Comparison of Fully Porous C18 Reversed Phase HPLC Columns

The most commonly used LC reversed-phase alkyl bonded stationary phase is octadecyl carbon chain (C18)-bonded silica, which is denoted as USP classification L1. C18 columns have a broad applicability from pharmaceuticals to food and environmental analyses. However, not all C18 columns are alike. ...

Clone Columns-Harmony C18 and Waters Symmetry C18 Comparison

Legacy methods, by their very nature, often use older column technologies. These older phases can be accompanied by larger variations in batch-to-batch performance which can lead to inconsistent results and cause out of specification (OOS) occurrences. With routine analysis, often completed with ...

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How to Guide for HPLC: Choosing the Right Detector

There are many characteristics to consider when choosing a detector, therefore several detectors have been developed over time to address particular challenges. It is important to consider the chemical nature of the analytes of interest and any potential interferences, when choosing a detector. A ...

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How to Select the Right HPLC Columns

Selecting the right HPLC Column for your analysis can make all the difference. There are many considerations when selecting columns, like the molecular weight of your target analytes, their solubility characteristics, and their interactions with stationary phase chemistries.

Download our Se ...

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