NexION 2000C ICP Mass Spectrometer | 爱游戏平台注册登录
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NexION 2000 等離子體質譜儀

爱游戏平台注册登录 NexION® 2000是一款功能豐富、性能出眾、應用廣泛、簡單易用的ICP-MS,融合多種獨特先進技術,為您提供超高性能的分析體驗,助您應對各種分析挑戰。NexION 2000,挑戰一切基體、挑戰一切幹擾、挑戰一切顆粒。

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NexION 2000 ICP-MS特點:

  • 兼具三重四極杆的強大能力與單四極杆靈活性的完美結合
  • SMARTintro™進樣係統模塊
  • EDR(智能電子稀釋)技術可有效增加檢測動態範圍,實現高低含量元素一次進樣同時分析,最大線性
  • 三個四極杆,三路氣體通路,三種檢測模式,有效提升幹擾去除能力,帶來更優的檢出限和數據精密度
  • 同類儀器中最快的數據采集速率(每秒100,000數據點),完美應對納米顆粒檢測
  • 配備獨創的LumiCoil™技術的全新固態射頻發生器——業內第一款無需額外維護和冷卻的射頻發生器線圈
  • 三錐離子采集界麵加四極杆離子偏轉器,錐後部件完全無需維護
  • Syngistix™提供根據工作流程設計的直觀的操作界麵,有著從左到右、圖標化的全過程向導,將從儀器開機、方法開發到數據報告等每一步都進行了簡化。此外,它是一款跨平台軟件,允許用戶輕鬆操作實驗室中包括AA、ICP和ICP-MS等儀器


21 CFR Part 11兼容 Yes
深度 69.0 cm
高度 75.0 cm
型號名稱 NexION 2000C
便攜式 No
產品品牌名稱 NexION
保修 1 Year
重量 150.0 kg
寬度 81.0 cm
  • 所有









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Comprehensive and Compliant Solutions for Glass Analysis

It’s clear, glass has a variety of uses, from practical to technological to decorative. In particular, float glass is widely used in architecture, automotive, transportation, photovoltaic, and solar industries.

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S20係列是下一代高性能、穩定、靈活的自動進樣器,專為爱游戏登录网 的原子和分子光譜平台而設計。該係列由兩個自動進樣器組成:S23帶三個樣品架,S25帶五個樣品架。它們旨在滿足所有類型實驗室的需求,要求:

  • S23可容納270個樣品,S25可容納450個樣品,允許長時間無人值守運行
  • 速度-三軸智能加速和減速設置
  • 易於使用-通過各種軟件平台進行完全控製-Syngistix用於(AA, ICP-OES 和 ICP-MS)、紫外實驗室和紅外實驗室
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    Product Certificate - NexION 1000/2000

    Product Certificate for the NexION 1000/2000

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    利用NexION 2000 ICP-MS 的高靈敏度精確測定10 nm Au納米顆粒的粒徑和數量

    該報告證明爱游戏登录网 公司的NexION 2000 ICP-MS 配合Syngistix 納米應用軟件模塊可以采用溶解離子或粒徑校準準確地測量小於10 nm 的納米顆粒。

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    利用NexION 2000 ICP-MS對半導體級鹽酸中的雜質進行分析

    本文展示了爱游戏平台注册登录 全新NexION 2000 ICP-MS 在分析SEMI Tier C 等級的20% HCl 中雜質元素的優勢。無需樣品前處理,利用反應模式使用100% 氨氣和氧氣,同時結合頻射發生器的優勢,克服了過去冷等離子體的局限,有效去除多原子離子的幹擾,實現了亞納克/ 升(sub-ng/L)的檢出限以及10 ng/L 等級的精確定量,同時表現出良好的長期穩定性。

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    NexION 2000:用於測定血液和血清中微量元素的理想工具

    本文證明 爱游戏平台注册登录 NexION 2000 ICP-MS可以對血液和血清樣品進行準確、穩定的分析。可以使用基本稀釋液或者酸性稀釋液製備標準溶液和樣品,都能獲得準確的結果。

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    本文介紹了利用快速消解法與爱游戏平台注册登录 最新ICP-MS NexION® 2000對土壤樣品中重金屬汙染物檢測的實例。

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    采用ICP-MS 分析牛奶中的主要元素和微量元素

    NexION 2000 P ICP-MS在碰撞模式下配合應用AMS可以有效地分析牛奶、脫水牛奶和奶粉中的主要元素和微量元素。對三種有證標準物質的分析驗證了該方法的準確性。

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    NexION ICP-MS 係統專用Syngistix 單細胞應用軟件模塊


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    使用NexION 2000 ICP-MS 按照ICH Q3D 和USP <232>/<233>的規定檢測和驗證藥用抗酸劑中的1級和2A級元素雜質

    配備了AMS的爱游戏登录网 公司NexION 2000 ICP-MS可以測試經過簡單處理的部分高基體藥品。

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    本工作展示了如何利用單顆粒模式NexION 350D ICP-MS成功表征兩種類型的元素氧化納米粒子。結果給出了納米粒子尺寸的平均值和中位值,顆粒濃度,尺寸分布和顆粒尺寸的累積百分數。懸浮物測試的數據采集具有簡單和快速分析的優勢。

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    NexION 300X ICP-MS與prepFAST自動稀釋校準聯用係統分析新實藥典(UPS)中雜質元素

    本研究展示了采用NexION 300 ICP-MS與prepFAST自動在線稀釋/校準樣品的聯機係統是一種理想的分析醫藥產品方法,本法主要依據藥典UPS的新章節<232>和<233>對元素雜質的法規要求。

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    紐樂製造公司依靠爱游戏平台注册登录 分析儀器保證高質量的營養藥品

    在Nutra生產高質量營養藥物的使命中,該公司購買的兩台爱游戏平台注册登录 ® ELAN® ICP-MS由於完成了大部分的重金屬檢測工作也成為了這一使命中的重要組成部分。

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    NexION 2000 利用NexION 2000 ICP-MS的高靈敏度精確測定10 nm Au納米顆粒的粒徑和數量

    該報告證明爱游戏登录网 公司的NexION 2000 ICP-MS配合Syngistix 納米應用軟件模塊可以采用溶解離子或粒徑校準準確地測量小於10nm的納米顆粒。

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    本研究開發出了商業防曬霜樣品中TiO2納米粒子的測量方法,利用NexION 350 ICP-MS和Syngistix Nano應用軟件模塊進行分析,簡便、快速;還可以清楚的區分不同樣品的TiO2含量。

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    NexION 2000型 ICP-MS在對自來水和礦物質飲用水中金屬離子的檢測中具有優異的準確度和長期穩定性,且僅用 Standard 模式就能獲得優異的檢出下限。 僅利用 NexION 2000可以很好滿足國內和國際標準規定的所有元素的檢測需求,無需多種檢測手段進行配合。

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    按照U.S. EPA 6020B方法使用NexION 2000 ICP-MS分析土壤和水

    本文證明爱游戏登录网 公司的 NexION 2000 ICP-MS 可以完全滿足 U.S.EPA 6020B 方法的要求。 NexION 2000 所具備的先進設計實現了超高的準確性和穩定性, 包括三錐接口、 四級杆離子偏轉器、 通用池技術、 獨特的自激式全固態射頻發生器和全基體進樣係統。

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    Extraction of Gold Nanoparticles from Fish Larvae and Soils

    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are widely used in industrial and medical applications. They are known to form naturally during the weathering of Au-bearing mineral deposits, as well as the transformation of gold nuggets and particles. In freshwater systems, they bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms, as ...

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    Quantification of Nanoparticle Uptake into Cancer Cells using Single Cell ICP-MS

    Nanoparticles (NPs) have been of significant interest over the last two decades as they offer attractive benefits for drug delivery to overcome limitations in conventional chemotherapy. Nanoparticles can be engineered to carry both drugs and imaging probes to simultaneously detect and treat cancer. ...

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    Analysis of NIST Gold Nanoparticle Reference Materials Using the NexION Single Particle ICP-MS

    To better understand the impact of nanoparticles, several key characteristics need to be assessed, such as concentration, composition, particle size, shape and other surface characteristics. The NexION® SP-ICP-MS, with Syngistix Nano Application software module, c ...

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    Analysis of Soils and Waters Following U.S. EPA Method 6020B using the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

    Through the years, both industry and analytical instrumentation have advanced. With the development of new chemicals and processes, new pollutants may enter the environment. However, the capabilities of analytical instruments have also increased, allowing the measurement of ever lower levels of envi ...

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    Analysis of Rare Earth Elements by Laser Ablation-ICP-MS with the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

    With the increasing development of high-tech applications, rare earth elements (REEs) are considered key elements for modern and future industries. Globally, there is growing pressure for analytical solutions that can accurately characterize and quantify REE content in a high-throughput manner to ...

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    Direct Analysis of Trace Elements in Coastal Seawater Using the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

    With rising global populations and the increasing industrialization of both land and sea, the contamination of coastal seawater by metals and metalloids is of increasing concern. This has an adverse effect on both the biological communities which live within these waters as well as the population ...

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    Comparison of Microsecond vs. Millisecond Dwell Times on Particle Number Concentration Measurements by Single Particle ICP-MS

    With the increasing use of nanomaterials in a wide variety of products and processes, the need to measure and characterize them has also grown. Single particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) was developed specifically for metallic and metal-containing engineered nanoparticles (NPs) and is gaining popularity ...

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    Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with SP-ICP-MS

    Measuring the amount of metals in CNTs presents a challenge. High levels can be measured directly in the solid by several techniques, including XRF and TEM, while low-level analysis requires complete digestion of the sample prior to analysis by ICP-OES or ICP-MS.

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    NexION 2000: A Perfect Tool for the Determination of Trace Elements in Blood and Serum

    This work demonstrates the ability of 爱游戏平台注册登录 's NexION 2000 ICP-MS to perform accurate, stable analyses of blood and serum samples, leveraging the benefits of the Universal Cell and the ability to use three cell gases in a single method.

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    Monitoring the Fate of Silver Nanoparticles in Seawater Using Single Particle ICP-MS

    Single Particle (SP) ICP-MS is an analytical technique that has demonstrated tremendous potential for the measurement and characterization of metal-containing nanoparticles (NPs) in a wide range of sample types, including environmental. One of the most challenging matrices is seawater due to its ...

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    Determination of Impurities in Lithium Materials with the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

    With growing concern about the state of the environment, more and more devices are being powered by lithium batteries due to their higher capacities, longer lives, and ability to be recycled, in comparison to conventional batteries. As with all consumer goods, safety and performance are critical ...

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    Elemental Analysis of Wines using the NexION 2000 ICP-MS with TotalQuant

    Food alteration has been increasing substantially in recent years, leading to substandard products. Therefore, to ensure the health and safety of the consumer, it is essential to characterize foods for toxic and nutritional elements accurately and rapidly, and ICP-MS is the ideal technique for th ...

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    Direct Determination of Trace Elements in Nickel-Based Superalloys with the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

    Nickel-based superalloys benefit from high heat resistance, high melting points, retention of mechanical and chemical properties at high temperatures, and high corrosion resistance, among others, and are therefore widely used in challenging environments, such as aircraft and power generation turb ...

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    Determination of Selenium Species in Drinking Water by HPLC-ICP-MS

    Selenium (Se) is an essential element at trace levels, toxic at higher levels, and exists in several oxidation states in a variety of inorganic and organic compounds. Consequently, the chemistry of selenium is complex in both the environment and biota.

    For the determination of selenium spec ...

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    Analysis of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Soil Using Single Particle ICP-MS

    This work demonstrates a robust method using SP-ICP-MS technology to detect CeO2 NPs which were extracted from soil samples with tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP). Over the past few decades, engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) have been increasingly used in many commercial products. As a result, more and ...

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    Iron Nanoparticles by SP-ICP-MS: Overcoming Spectral Interferences Using Universal Cell Technology

    With the increasing interest in nanoparticles (NPs), various ways of detecting and measuring them are being used. One of the most promising techniques for analyzing metallic NPs is single particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS). This work demonstrates the ability of the NexION® SP-ICP-MS with Univ ...

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    Improved Analysis of Fluid Inclusions with LA-ICP-MS Using the NexION ICP-MS: Advantages of a Fast-Scanning Quadrupole

    The elemental concentration of fluid inclusions in geological samples provides information about geological processes that lead to the formation of ores and minerals. Laser ablation-ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) is the preferred technique for measuring elemental concentrations in fluid inclusions due to its ...

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    Multi-Elemental Analysis of Soils Using the NexION ICP-MS

    The elemental analysis of soils is of vital importance not only for agriculture, but also from an environmental perspective. Toxic metals enter soil primarily through pollution and can be taken up directly by humans in various manners, potentially causing acute or chronically toxic responses. The ...

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    A Single Cell-ICP-MS Method to Study the Treatment Efficiency of Algaecide for Toxic Algal Bloom Control

    Toxic cyanobacterial blooms were reported worldwide in various aquatic systems, including freshwater rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and eutrophied coastal marine habitats. Cyanobacterial blooms might be caused by a combination of multiple factors, including eutrophication, solar radiation, temperatur ...

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    PM10 and PM2.5 Air Pollution Monitoring and Source Apportionment in Asia Using the NexION ICP-MS

    Concern about air pollution has been growing rapidly, with most of the focus on gaseous pollutants. Airborne particulates, especially small ones, are rapidly gaining attention due to their impact on human health, as smaller particles can be carried over long distances by wind and penetrate deep i ...

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    Determination of Organotin in Tap Water by HPLC-ICP-MS in Accordance with Chinese Method HJ 1074-2019

    Organotin compounds are widely used across industry and agriculture, resulting in widespread pollution of various environmental media, including potable water. Among these compounds are tributyltin (TBT), triphenyltin (TPT), dibutyltin (DBT), and diphenyltin (DPT), in the following order of persi ...

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    用於NexION ICP-MS 的全基體進樣係統(AMS)

    在用爱游戏平台注册登录 NexION係列ICP-MS對高基體樣品進行分析時,配合AMS係統可以給您帶來一係列好處。通過將氬氣通入霧室頸部,樣品氣溶膠得到稀釋,可以獲得更高的離子化效率、更小的基體效應和更少的錐口沉積,使樣品前處理更為簡單,分析數據質量更高。

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    Unlocking Carbon-13 with Single Particle ICP-MS: Feasibility Study for Microplastic Detection

    Carbon is difficult to measure with ICP-MS because of its high ionization potential and its presence in both the argon used to generate the plasma (primarily in the form of CO2, as an impurity) and in reagents, including acids and water. As a result, extremely high backgrounds exist at ...

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    Advantages of Short Settling Times for Quadrupole-Based ICP-MS Laser Ablation Imaging

    Laser ablation-ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) has become an increasingly popular tool for imaging due to its ability to provide spatially resolved elemental information at low concentrations. Many aspects need to be considered when setting up an LA-ICP-MS system for imaging. Laser scanning speed, stage accur ...

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    Infographic - Solutions for your Toxicology Lab

    Infographic Poster showing the range of different analytical solutions for Toxicology Labs; from GC and LC, to ICP-MS and UV-Vis. Benchtop and floor standing chromatography, spectroscopy and thermal solutions for everyday robust and reliable analyses.


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    ICP-MS 單細胞分析方法介紹

    本文介紹了使用SC-ICP-MS 快速檢測單個細胞中金屬的含量,為研究者開啟了一個全新的研究領域。通過在細胞水平上監測細胞吸收順鉑的能力,我們探究了抗癌藥物的有效性,加強了對細胞與含金屬的物質之間交互作用的了解。

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    The Determination of Metals in Non-Medical Face Masks

    With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of face masks by the general public has become a critical personal protective measure to minimize person-to-person transmission. While health care workers use medical or surgical masks, the general population uses non-medical, otherwise known as hy ...

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    原子光譜 2018-2019 耗材目錄

    爱游戏平台注册登录 儀器是全球行業標準,其配件、耗材、方法和應用也可滿足最苛刻的要求,是全球數千個實驗室的首選。

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