
Introducing Revvity - Expanding the boundaries of human potential through science

(Revvity was previously affiliated with 爱游戏平台注册登录 , Inc.)

We are now two standalone organizations

Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions

3D Cell Model Imaging and Analysis


3D cell culture models, such as spheroids, organoids, and microtissues, have gained popularity as tools for research, drug discovery and toxicity studies. 3D cell models are more physiologically relevant than biochemical assays and 2D cell cultures, as they more closely represent the microenvironments, cell-to-cell interactions, and biological processes that occur in vivo.

We provide a portfolio of products for high-content imaging and analysis of 3D cell cultures to help you generate more physiologically relevant data that can power better-informed decisions.

Our high-content analysis systems, plus innovative reagents, provide you with highly sensitive solutions for 3D cell imaging, and our intuitive software platforms give you the tools to optimize imaging and analyze the most complex 3D cellular models.





Imaging Systems Designed with 3D Cell Models in Mind

Due to their size, 3D cell models and tissues pose characteristic challenges to any imaging system but benefit greatly from confocal imaging. Our spinning disk confocal high-content imaging systems with automated water-immersion objectives let you quickly and easily generate content-rich, physiologically relevant data from 3D samples.



The Operetta® CLS system’s unique combination of technologies provides flexibility, sensitivity, and resolution for 3D cell culture imaging, whilst the Opera Phenix® Plus system is our premier confocal solution for 3D high-content screening. It features a microlens-enhanced dual-disk design with pinhole distances optimized for thick samples such as 3D cell models. With 3D cells models in mind, both systems utilize automated water-immersion objectives and confocal spinning-disk technology, together with the optional PreciScan intelligent acquisition software plug-in.




Automated water-immersion objectives

Captures up to four times more light than air objectives and provides higher resolution in X,Y, and Z, so you can get more detail faster, and image deeper into 3D structures.


Confocal spinning-disk technology

Ideal for imaging 3D spheroids, this technology allows you to acquire image stacks with improved signal-to-noise ratios, high X, Y, and Z resolution, high frame rates and minimal sample illumination.

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Save time with PreciScan intelligent acquisition

Pre-scan at low magnification to locate spheroids, then automatically rescan at higher magnification with the spheroid centered in the image.


Intuitive Software to Analyze the Most Complex 3D Cell Models

Our software solutions give you the tools to optimize imaging of 3D cell models and their automated workflow-centric interfaces, with integrated artificial intelligence, make advanced 3D image analysis straightforward. Turn data into understanding with the intuitive Harmony™ imaging and analysis software for the Opera Phenix Plus and Operetta CLS systems. You can:

  • Speed up 3D image acquisition by targeted imaging of microtissues
  • Better understand your cell models by exploring them in the 3D viewer and XYZ viewer
  • Create Z stack overviews (or gallery)
  • Produce 3D renderings and movies
  • Analyze morphologies and volumes in 3D
  • Calculate Maximum Intensity Projections containing height profiles

As datasets for 3D cell models are often huge, data from Harmony software and all major high-content screening and cell imaging systems can seamlessly integrate with Signals Image Artist, our next generation image analysis and management platform.



Harmony® high-content imaging and analysis software

Drives the Operetta CLS and Opera Phenix Plus systems and includes everything you need to analyze the most complex cellular models in 3D, reliably discriminate phenotypes, and turn your biological data into knowledge.


Signals Image Artist high-content image analysis and management platform


Quickly process, analyze, share and store the vast volumes of data generated by high-content screening and cellular imaging of 3D objects, and get answers sooner.


Workflow-centric Software For Simplified 3D Image Analysis





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3D Cell Culture Workflow Solutions

More than ever, researchers are turning to 3D cell cultures, microtissues and organoids to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo animal models. Ou ...
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5 Top Tips for a Successful High-content Screening Assay with a 3D Cell Model System

Whether you’re familiar with high-content screening and are looking to exploit the increased physiological relevance of complex 3D cell models, or you want to t ...
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High Content Screening in Three Dimensions

Researchers are increasingly looking to 3D cell cultures, microtissues, and organoids to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo animal models. This ...
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3D Volumetric Analysis of Luminal Spaces Inside Cysts or Organoids

High-content assays using 3D objects such as cysts or organoids can be challenging from the perspectives of both image acquisition and image analysis. In this t ...
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3D Volumetric and Zonal Analysis of Solid Spheroids

Multicellular 3D “oids” (tumoroids, spheroids, organoids) have the potential to better predict the effects of drug candidates during preclinical screening. Howe ...
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Clearing Strategies for 3D Spheroids

In drug discovery programs, multicellular spheroids have emerged as powerful tools to bridge the gap between in vitro cell culture models and in vivo tissues. H ...
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Improved High-Content Imaging of Tissue Sections

Automated image acquisition and analysis of tissue sections can be challenging owing to the inherent height variations throughout each specimen, and this can hi ...
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Adding Depth: 3-D Cell Culture

Download this booklet from The Scientist and 爱游戏平台注册登录 to learn about how the third dimension affects cell behavior, the similarities and differences between ...
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Developing a 3D Cell Model for High-Content Analysis

In this webinar, you will hear from experts on how high-content analysis is being used to explore and develop 3D cell models.
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High-Throughput High-Content Screening with 3D Cell Models

In this webinar, learn from two leading scientists about their approaches to high-throughput high-content screening of 3D cell models.
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Working with Complex 3D Cell Models

In this webinar, hear from two leading scientists about their approaches to working with complex 3D models using high-content analysis technologies.
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Deriving Insights from 3D Cell Model Systems

In this webinar, learn from experts about approaches to analyze and derive insights from 3D cell model systems using high-content analysis technology.
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Explore our 3D Cell Model Imaging and Analysis Products and Solutions

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