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生命科學與診斷 & 分析和企業服務

Seamless Science for 3D Cell Models

The journey to discovering novel targets starts with building a deep understanding of the underlying biology. To achieve this, researchers are increasingly looking to 3D cell cultures, microtissues, and organoids to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo animal models. 3D models provide more physiologically relevant conditions than biochemical assays and 2D cell cultures, as they more closely mimic the microenvironment, cell-to-cell interactions, and biological processes that occur in vivo. Plus, they show a higher degree of morphological and functional differentiation.

爱游戏平台注册登录 takes a solutions-based approach to support customers at every step of the cell culture workflow, from seeding and sample processing to readout and analysis. With our best-in-class instruments, reagents, and informatics-based solutions you can grow, detect, and analyze 3D cell cultures at scale and begin generating more physiologically relevant data to better understand biological processes and make informed decisions.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

cell workflow infographic


The first critical step in your 3D cell culture workflow is seeding, using specific methods and growth conditions. Methods are selected depending on the biological question, complexity of the model, and readout technology. Starting with the right cell model, that first needs to be characterized, cells can be grown as single spheroids in an ultra-low attachement (ULA) plate or cultured in hydrogels. Both methods are scalable using liquid handling.


Choosing the right microplate is a critical, often overlooked, part of an assay. The right microplate helps provides valuable data, whereas the wrong microplate can lead to missed or inaccurate data leading to missed project timelines and ultimately higher costs. New technologies for drug developmen ...

GrowDex Hydrogels

How to use Growdex hydrogels We offer a range of products for scalable animal-free 3D cell culture applications, providing convenience and consistent results. GrowDex® hydrogels are natural nanofibers of cellulose extracted from wood and sourced from sustainable and responsibly managed forests. Supp ...

JANUS Liquid Handler Workstations

The JANUS® G3 automated liquid handling workstations offer flexible automated sample preparation solutions to meet your specific application needs. The JANUS G3 portfolio includes both dedicated, application-specific workstations and personalized automated solutions. The JANUS G3 workstation can be ...

Relevant Cell Models

Horizon offers a catalogue of more than 3000 off-the-shelf edited cell lines and a variety of gene-modulation reagents. In particular, Horizon’s Edit-R™ All-in-one system and Accell siRNA reagents have been proven to work well with 3D cell models.

Cell Counters

Nexcelom offers a broad range of brightfield, fluorescent, or plate-based automated cell counters that can generate consistent counting results.

Sample Processing

3D cell models usually need to grow for days, or even weeks, before they are ready for read-out. Monitoring that growth and proliferation over this long period of time is critical to preserving your samples so they can progress to imaging readout. Our live-cell imaging systems help to significantly reduce the time and effort needed to quantify key aspects including size, number, growth, or shape. Plus, with our line of innovative reagents, you’ll have the right solutions available to prepare your 3D sample for any readout ― imaging, detection and sequencing.

LabChip GX Touch Nucleic Acid Analyzer

爱游戏平台注册登录 的創新微流體技術可實現高重現性、高分辨率的電泳分離。無論是為了獲得更好的基因表達數據而進行的RNA完整性分析,還是重測序應用中評估PCR片段,LabChip GX Touch HT都能加速您的研究並幫助您更快地生成更有意義的數據。

MuviCyte Live-Cell Imaging Kit

MuviCyte活細胞成像係統設計用於細胞培養箱內,使細胞能夠維持在最佳條件下並且廣泛適配各種培養容器。 生命科學研究實驗室研究細胞行為和通路從而更深入地理解功能、疾病機製和對治療的反應。活細胞成像是從珍貴的細胞樣本中獲取最大信息的重要工具。 MuviCyte活細胞成像係統由MuviCyte活細胞成像儀加上4x、10x和20x物鏡、圖像工作站以及顯示器組成。


Drug discovery is a complex, costly, and time-consuming undertaking. And for research scientists, high-throughput screening is where the journey to discovery begins. Your job is to move from target to hit to candidate quickly and efficiently – with as little wasted resources as possible. Our HTS scr ...


用常規方法進行蛋白和核酸的準確定量分析是比較困難的。我們的TSA試劑盒可以大幅提升免疫組化、免疫熒光和原位雜交的信號強度,並且對檢測設備無特殊要求。 我們也可以在單張圖像上實現七色(含DAPI)複染的多標記蛋白檢測。其工作流程與標準的免疫組化方案類似,而且不必擔心抗體物種來源造成的交叉幹擾,全部選用效率最高的抗體完成多色標記。常見的標記例如CD20, CD4, CD45RO, CD68, FOXP3, panCK等等。 僅限於科研使用,不用於臨床診斷。

Fluorescent Imaging

Celigo is a plate-based benchtop brightfield and fluorescent imaging system designed for whole-well live-cell analysis and cell sample characterization. Celigo images and analyzes cells in various types of vessels without disturbing their natural state.

HIVE scRNAseq Solution

Developed by Honeycomb Biotechnologies, the HIVE™ scRNAseq Solution integrates sample storage and single-cell profiling into a complete workflow, solving the issues that limit single-cell RNA analysis.


Selecting the right method for measuring the biological response of 3D models depends on the question asked and the specifics of the model system used. Whether you’re repeatedly monitoring microtissue size using brightfield imaging or measuring sensitive detection of secreted proteins, each readout type poses unique challenges that can be overcome with the right tools. Our line of sensitive, yet powerful microplate readers and high-content analysis systems, plus innovative reagents, is designed for 3D cell culture detection, and together with our specially designed microplates, can help shed more light on to your sample.


我們提供適合任何實驗室各種應用需求的多模式微孔板讀板儀。每一款讀板儀都具有業內領先的檢測技術,因此無論您選擇任何一款儀器,您都可獲得針對您應用的最佳檢測性能。 VICTOR X 微孔板讀板儀 市場上第一台多功能微孔板讀板儀,VICTOR™ X 係列具有多種檢測功能,性能可靠,為各種規模的實驗室提供集靈活性、高速度和高性能於一體的解決方案。 EnSpire 微孔板讀板儀 第一台整合了Corning® Epic® 無標記技術的桌麵式多功能讀板儀,EnSpire® 專為多用戶科研環境設計,提供高性能檢測技術,且在保證靈敏度的前提下進行各種靈活的實驗應用。 EnSight 微孔板讀板儀 第一台整合了多 ...


High-Content Analysis (HCA) or High-Content Screening (HCS) combines high-throughput automated imaging and analysis to extract quantitative multi-parametric data at the single-cell level. Originally developed as a complementary technology to traditional biochemical high-throughput screening (HTS) in ...


It’s not easy to extract information from 3D datasets – readouts and large amounts of data need to be analyzed, and in context. Our scientific software and informatics solutions give you the tools to optimize imaging of 3D cell models and then aggregate, search, mine, and visualize critical data, and turn it into actionable insights.

Harmony High-Content Imaging and Analysis Software

Easily quantify complex cellular phenotypes with Harmony® high-content analysis software. Harmony software is designed for 爱游戏平台注册登录 high-content screening systems.

Signals Image Artist

Signals Image Artist™ is our next generation image analysis and management platform for high-content screening and cell imaging data. Quickly process, analyze, share, and store the vast volumes of data generated by high-content screening and cellular imaging, including live cell imaging, 3D imaging, ...

Signals Vitro Vivo™

Signals VitroVivo is an intuitive, configurable, flexible screening workflow processor coupled with the unparalleled data visualization and analysis capabilities of TIBCO Spotfire.

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