
Automated NGS Applications

Large Breadth of NGS Applications Available

More than 150 standardized and tested automated methods are available for the most frequently used NGS library prep kits. This extensive library of standardized and tested automated methods offers flexibility in the choice of kits. Together, with our suite of automated liquid handling solutions optimized for NGS applications, the 爱游戏平台注册登录 NGS application library provides the ability to adapt to your needs.

Emerging Applications

爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s team of application scientists is continuously releasing new automated methods to address emerging applications. By being responsive to latest trends in the NGS field, you can be assured we can meet your future automation needs.

Advanced Error Handling

爱游戏平台注册登录 enables true walk-away push button protocols with integrated on-deck cameras through the PKeye mobile operations monitor. This system will notify you of any errors that occur through the PKeye cloud-based platform, allowing you to walk away from the workstation and focus your attention on intellectual contributions to the lab.

* The table below lists the kits and protocols that are currently automated on the Sciclone®, JANUS®, and Zephyr® G3 liquid handlers.

* For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Increase Your Throughput & Reproducibility With Automated NGS Methods

DNA Library Preparation Kits
arrow DNA Library Preparation Kits
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 X X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 [X] X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 PG-Seq® Kit X    
    10X Genomics® Genomic Preparation X    
    ArcherDx® Universal DNA Reagent Kit v2 X    
    CareDx® AlloSeq TZ     X
    IDT® xGen DNA Library Prep Kit EZ   X  
    Illumina® Nextera® XT DNA Kit X X X
    Illumina® TruSeq® DNA PCR-Free Kit X X  
    Illumina® TruSeq® Nano DNA Kit X    
    Illumina® DNA Prep Kit [X] X X
    Illumina® DNA Prep with Enrichment X X  
    Illumina® DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Tagmentation X X  
    NEB® NEBNext® Ultra II DNA Library Prep for Illumina® Instruments X   X
    NEB® NEBNext® Ultra DNA Kit X   X
    NEB® NEBNext® dsDNA Fragmentase Kit X    
    NuGen® Celero DNA-Seq   X  
    NuGen® Ovation® Ultralow DR Multiplex System (1-96) X   X
    PacBio® 2kb Template Preparation & Sequencing X X X
    PacBio® 10kb Template Preparation & Sequencing X X X
    PacBio® 20kb Template Preparation Using BluePippin Size-Selection System X   X
    PacBio® Greater than 10kb Template Preparation Using AMPure® PB Beads X   X
    PacBio® HiFi SMRTbell® Libraries with SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 [X] X  
    PacBio® Multiplexed Microbial Library Prep with SMRTbell® Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 X X  
    Thermo Fisher® Ion Torrent Ion Express® Fragment Library Prep Kit X   X
    Thermo Fisher® Ion Express® Plus gDNA Fragment Library Prep Kit X   X
    TwinStrand Bioscience TwinStrand Duplex Sequencing: Pre-PCR   X  
    TwinStrand Bioscience TwinStrand Duplex Sequencing: Post-PCR     X
    Twist® Library Preparation Kit X X  
    QIAGEN® QIAseq® FX DNA Library Kit X    
    QIAGEN® QIAGEN®Targeted DNA v3 Panel X X  
    IDT®/Swift® Accel-NGS® 2S Plus DNA Library Kit X    
    IDT®/Swift® xGen Amplicon Panels   X  
    Roche® DNA HyperPrep™ Kit X X X
    Roche® DNA HyperPlus™ Kit X [X] X
    Roche® KAPA HyperCap v3 X [X]  
    Roche® DNA HTP Library Preparation Kit X   X
    Roche® Kapa EvoPlus Kit [X]    
Exome / Targeted Sequencing Kits
arrow Exome / Targeted Sequencing Kits
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX®Variant Seq™ SARS-CoV-2 V2 Kit X X X
    Agilent® HaloPlex® Kit X    
    Agilent® SureSelect® XT2 Kit X X X
    Agilent® SureSelect® XT Kit X X  
    Agilent® SureSelect® QXT Kit X   X
    Agilent® SureSelect® XT HS X X  
    Cergentis® TLA Targeted Locus Amplification Kit X    
    IDT®/Epicentre XGen Hybridization and Wash Kit   X  
    IDT®/Epicentre xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2 X X  
    Illumina® COVIDSeq™ Test X X X
    Illumina® Nextera® Rapid Capture Kit X   X
    Illumina® TruSeq® Rapid Exome Kit X    
    Illumina® TruSeq® Custom Amplicon v1.5 Kit     X
    Illumina® TruSeq® Custom Amplicon Low Input Kit X   X
    Illumina® TruSeq® Exome Kit X    
    Illumina® TruSeq® Focus Panel X    
    Illumina® TruSeq® Cancer HotSpot Panel v2 X    
    Illumina® TruSeq® Comprehensive Panel v3 X    
    Illumina® TruSight® Cancer Kit X    
    Illumina® TruSight® Enrichment Kit      
    Illumina® TruSight® Rapid Capture Kit X    
    Illumina® TruSight® Tumor Kit      
    Illumina® TruSight® Tumor 15 Kit      
    NEB® NEBNext Direct® Cancer HotSpot Panel X    
    NuGen® Ovation® Target Enrichment System X    
    Roche® SeqCap® EZ Kit X    
    Roche® SeqCap® EZ HyperPrep® Kit X    
    Thermo Fisher® Ion TargetSeq Exome Kit      
    Thermo Fisher® Ion Ampliseq® Panels      
    Twist® Human Core Exome Kit [X] X  
    Twist® TWIST® Custom Panels X X  
    Twist® Fast Hybridization Target Enrichment X X  
Small RNA Library Preparation Kits
arrow Small RNA Library Preparation Kits
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v3 X X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq v3 Automation Kit with UDIs X X X
RNA Library Preparation Kits
arrow RNA Library Preparation Kits
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Rapid Directional RNA-Seq Kit with Poly(A) Beads 2.0 X X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq mRNA/miRNA Kit X X  
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v3 X X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Automation Kit v3 with UDIs X X X
    10X Genomics® Chromium Single Cell 3' Library Kit v3     X
    Agilent® SureSelect® Strand-Specific RNA Library Prep Kit   X  
    Illumina® RNA Prep with Enrichment (L) Tagmentation X X  
    Illumina® TruSeq® RNA Access Kit [X]    
    Illumina® Stranded mRNA prep X X  
    Illumina® TruSeq® Stranded mRNA (poly-A selection) Kit X X X
    Illumina® TruSeq® Stranded Total RNA™ Kit X X X
    Illumina® Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus X    
    Illumina® TruSeq® RNA Library Prep Kit v2 X X X
    Illumina® / Epicentre Ribozero/Scriptseq Stranded RNA Kit X    
    Roche® mRNA HyperPrep Kit X   X
    Roche® RNA HyperPrep Kit X X X
    Roche® RNA HyperPrep Kit with RiboErase X   X
    Roche® Stranded RNA-Seq Kit X   X
    Roche® Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase X   X
    Roche® Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit X   X
    Lexogen® autoSENSE mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X    
    Lexogen® autoQuantSeq 3'mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X    
    NEB® NEBNext® Ultra RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X   X
    NEB® NEBNext® Ultra RNA II Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X    
    NuGen® Ovation® Human Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems X    
    NuGen® Ovation® Human FFPE RNA-Seq Multiplex System X    
    NuGen® Ovation® RNA-Seq System v2 X    
    NuGen® Ovation® Universal RNA-Seq System (strand-specific) X    
    Takara formerly Clontech SMART-Seq® HT Kit      
    Thermo Fisher® Ion Express Plus gDNA Fragment Library Prep Kit X    
    Thermo Fisher® (Ion Torrent) Ion Total RNA Kit v2 X    
    Twist® cDNA Library Preparation Kit for ssRNA Virus Detection X X  
Metagenomics Kits
arrow Metagenomics Kits
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP DNA-Seq Kit v2 X X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Seq Kit X    
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit 2.0 X    
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® 18S ITS Amplicon-Seq Kit X    
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 X   X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit X    
    NuGen® Ovation® Ultralow Methyl-Seq Library System X    
Supplementary Applications and Products
arrow Supplementary Applications and Products
    爱游戏平台注册登录 NEXTFLEX® Poly(A) Bead 2.0 Selection X X
    爱游戏平台注册登录 Normalization & Pooling Protocol X X
    Beckman Coulter® SPRI® Purification Protocol X X
    Beckman Coulter® SPRI® Size Selection Protocol X X
    Roche® SYBR® FAST qPCR Kit X  
    Roche® Library Quant Kit X X
    Roche® hgDNA Quantification and QC Protocol X X
    Thermo Fisher® PicoGreen® Quantitation X X
    Thermo Fisher® Qubit® Quantitation   X
    Thermo Fisher® Quant-iT® Quantitation   X
    NuGen® Encore® Biotin Module X  
    NuGen® Ovation® FFPE WTA System X  
    NuGen® Ovation® Pico WTA System v2 X  

Need to Automate Your NGS
