1-16 的 16 產品與服務
sFlt-1 Controls are intended for use as assayed quality controls to monitor precision and validity of laboratory measurement procedures for the DELFIA® sFlt-1 assays.
The DELFIA® hAFP/Free hCGβ Dual kit is for the simultaneous quantitative determination of human Alpha-fetoprotein (hAFP) and the free beta subunit of human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (Free hCGβ) in maternal serum using the modular DELFIA system.
The DELFIA® Xpress uE3 kit is intended for the quantitative determination of human unconjugated estriol (uE3) in maternal serum using the 6000 DELFIA Xpress clinical random access screening platform.
The DELFIA® Xpress hCG kit is for the quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in maternal serum.
This kit is intended for the quantitative determination of the free ß subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (free hCGß) in maternal serum using the 6000 DELFIA® Xpress clinical random access screening platform.