
Introducing Revvity - Expanding the boundaries of human potential through science

(Revvity was previously affiliated with 爱游戏平台注册登录 , Inc.)

We are now two standalone organizations

Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions

Cancer Research Solutions

Integrated Laboratory Automation


Over the last few decades, innovations in cancer research have advanced at a rapid pace, with new targeted treatments and immunotherapies showing great promise in many patients. However, due to the heterogenous nature of the disease, therapy resistance – whether intrinsic or acquired – remains a huge challenge. Unlocking molecular mechanisms behind cancer evolution is key to breaking down resistance barriers and ultimately providing personalised combinational therapies to patients, allowing them to live longer, healthier lives.

Explore the Complexities of Cancer Hallmarks

Cancer hallmarks initially outlined over a decade ago describe the mechanisms acquired during tumor development and form the basis for ongoing research. We’re committed to helping you explore and unravel the complexities of interconnected hallmarks and turn those findings into promising anticancer strategies.

With a diverse range of solutions to accelerate your research, we help scientists study all aspects of cancer, from genomics to precision medicine and beyond.

The next big cancer breakthrough will begin with research. And that research can begin with you.

Cancer Genomics

Cancer genomics aims to understand the genetic basis by which tumors proliferate and evolve under selection by its microenvironment, the immune system, and therapeutic intervention. Identifying the genetic and epigenetic changes at the root of cancer has improved our understanding of its biology and lead to new methods of diagnosing and treating the disease.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Epigenetic Research Reagents

As the understanding of the role of epigenetic changes in various disease states advances, the need for high quality reagents that can rapidly identify and validate therapeutic molecules that target these enzymes is increasing. Our epigenetics assay portfolio includes: Cellular detection kits – thes ...

Next-generation sequencing

It is a powerful tool used to analyze molecular targets for cancer diagnosis, monitor disease progression, and identify the mechanism of drug resistance.

Gene editing and modulation

Enables researchers to understand disease mechanisms and cancer vulnerabilities at the genomic level. Whether looking at permanent or temporary changes to gene expression, our cell lines, reagents, libraries, and services can be tailored to you.

Single-cell RNA sequencing

Provides transcriptional profiling of individual cells, enabling researchers to understand what genes are expressed, in what quantities, and how they differ within a biological sample – all at the single-cell level.

Cancer Cell Biology

Cancer cell biology investigates the underlying differences between normal cells and cancer cells and elucidates basic mechanisms that drive the development and behavior of tumors. Understanding this biology, and the fundamental processes governing transformation, is critical for identifying molecular targets for therapeutic or preventive intervention.

Protein Detection

Protein detection and quantification is required for the development of protein-based therapeutics, as well as research into cell signaling, growth factors, and a variety of disease states. Our protein detection assays allow you to optimize performance, simplify workflows, and increase throughput. W ...

GPCR Research Reagents

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of membrane proteins and the most studied targets in drug discovery. They relay extracellular signals by triggering intracellular pathways through coupling with G proteins and arrestins. 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers a wide panel of GPCR signaling assa ...

Protein-Protein Interaction Research

Protein-protein interaction research is uncovering new targets for drug discovery in cancer and a variety of other diseases. However, measurement, modulation, and detection of protein-protein interaction is challenging, and requires technology capable of measuring both high- and low-affinity interac ...

Protein Kinase Research Reagents

Cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s research can benefit from the study of phosphorylation and protein kinase activity. Because of their role in signal transduction, kinase activity detection and characterization is significant for drug discovery. We offer a range of end-point and real-time kinetic pr ...

Cell Counting & Viability

Assessment is vital for any cell-based assay. It’s also critical to assess the potency of any new anti-cancer therapeutic. Our image cytometers and cell counters are designed to enhance your productivity with simple acquisition and analysis workflows.


Immuno-oncology (I-O) is an especially exciting area of research because it harnesses the body’s immune system to fight cancers. However, to develop new ways to improve immune cell activity, you need a deep understanding of the complex relationship among tumor biology, tumor microenvironment, and the immune system.

Our wide range of tools helps support and advance your I-O research, redefining and developing tailored, life-changing immunotherapies to fight cancer.

Cytokine Research Reagents

Cytokines regulate several physiological and pathological roles including innate immunity, acquired immunity, and many inflammatory responses. 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers the full range of cytokine assay kits, from interleukins, interferons (IFN), and chemokines to TNF and lymphokines, in an easy and ready-t ...

Protein-Protein Interaction Research

Protein-protein interaction research is uncovering new targets for drug discovery in cancer and a variety of other diseases. However, measurement, modulation, and detection of protein-protein interaction is challenging, and requires technology capable of measuring both high- and low-affinity interac ...

Drive Cancer Discovery With BioLegend

Our extensive range of cutting-edge technology to help you isolate, phenotype, and characterize target cell populations. With the support of our technical teams, you are empowered to create complete solutions for immuno-oncology research.

Biodistribution monitoring

Biodistribution monitoring of immune cells within complex biological systems aids therapeutic development by quantifying efficiency and viability. Our in vivo solutions provide the sensitivity to support tracking of immune cells with anatomical context.

Immune cell potency

Immune cell potency assessment is critical to revealing the compound mechanism of action and fine-tuning therapeutic selection. Our imaging systems provide single-cell analysis of immune response characteristics even within 3D models.

Tumor Microenvironment

Imaging tumors within their microenvironments provides insights into complex interactions between cancer cells and surrounding immune cells, fibroblasts, signaling molecules, and extracellular matrices. Recent advances in tumor biology reveal these interactions control tumor growth and the development of metastasis, providing new points for therapeutic intervention.

3D Cell Model Workflows

The journey to discovering novel targets starts with building a deep understanding of the underlying biology. To achieve this, researchers are increasingly looking to 3D cell cultures, microtissues, and organoids to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo animal models. 3D models provide ...

Animal Imaging Solutions Cancer Research

Study cancer biology and assess therapeutic efficacy in vivo. Small animal imaging is becoming an increasingly important tool for studying cancer research by providing investigators with unique capabilities to non-invasively detect and characterize cancer in vivo. Whether you are monitoring tumor gr ...

Tissue microenvironment

Comprises of proliferating tumor cells, stroma, blood vessels, infiltrating inflammatory cells, and a variety of tissue cells. Our antibodies enable you to spatially phenotype every cell, linking cell biology to in vivo function and pathogenesis.

Precision Medicine

Every cancer is unique, from their genetic makeup to their microenvironment. Individually tailored therapy relies on understanding both the underlying genetics and functional responses of cancers throughout the course of treatments to stay one step ahead of any resistance.

Our complementary approaches to screening patients’ molecular profiles enable you to identify the right drug – for the right patient, at the right dose, and at the right time.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Functional drug testing

Functional drug testing patient-derived cancer cells are used to match individuals to the right therapies for them. Our high-content imaging systems help you tease apart subtle, yet crucial phenotypic differences within ex vivo cultures.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

Analysis of the heterogeneous genetic composition of a tumor can reveal patients with oncogenic driver mutations. Our automated NGS workflows allow multiple genes to be analysed simultaneously with enough depth to detect minor allele frequencies.

Biomarker Discovery

Liquid biopsies provide unique molecular characteristics of an individual's cancer. Our automated workflow covers all the steps in the process, from plasma extraction to library preparation, for consistent high-quality, error-free results.

Data Integration

Streamlining in-house data with clinical trial information and publicly available facts – is key to expedite improved therapeutic outcomes. Our Signals ™ platform empowers researchers to accelerate the realization of precision medicine.

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