生命科學與診斷 & 分析和企業服務



  • 生命科學與診斷業務


  • 分析和企業服務業務


細胞成像與分析 | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录


With more than a decade of experience in this field, 爱游戏平台注册登录 provides a portfolio of cellular Imaging products - high-content and live-cell imaging instruments, image analysis software, cell counters, fluorescent probes, microplates, and automation - to help you answer complex biological questions.


High-content analysis and high-content screening systems
Both our Opera Phenix® Plus and Operetta® CLS high-content imaging systems incorporate confocal spinning disk technology and produce images of exceptional quality.

  • Opera Phenix Plus: our premier, high-throughput system, designed for your most demanding high-content applications, including 3D microtissue and spheroid imaging.
  • Operetta CLS: our medium throughput microplate imaging instrument that delivers the speed and sensitivity for everyday assays and more.


Live cell imaging systems
Our MuviCyte live-cell imaging system operates inside your cell-culture incubator to maintain your cells under optimal conditions and performs a wide range of assays.


Cell counters & image cytometers
Nexcelom cell counters & image cytometers provide a fast and efficient way to count cells, assess cell health and viability, perform immunophenotyping, and routine cell imaging assays that don’t require sub-cellular resolution.

Imaging and analysis software
Our software helps you acquire, visualize, analyze and share your image data more effectively and efficiently.

  • Harmony® software: control every aspect of your high-content analysis or screening experiment through a single workflow-based user interface.
  • Signals Image Artist: access, analyze, store, re-analyze, and share image data from all major HCS and cell imaging systems across your organization.
  • Signals VitroVivo for profiling image data and hit selection.


Cellular imaging reagents
Our PhenoVue suite of cellular imaging reagents provides bright dyes for high-quality images, and includes cell painting kits, organelle and cell compartment stains, fluorescent labeled secondary antibodies, and more.


Benefit from higher throughput, improved productivity, reduced variability, savings on reagent costs and more, by automating your Operetta CLS or Opera Phenix Plus system.

  • Integrate with the plate::handler Flex system for automated plate loading to enable overnight runs
  • Automate your entire high-content screening workflows with explorer™ G3 automated workstations.


PhenoPlate microplates have been developed and validated specifically for high-content analysis and screening applications, with a unique patented design for high-content imaging readers.


Explore our Cell Imaging and Analysis Products and Applications


High-Content Analysis (HCA) or High-Content Screening (HCS) combines high-throughput automated imaging and analysis to extract quantitative multi-parametric dat ...


Live-Cell Imaging Instruments

生命科學研究實驗室研究細胞行為和通路從而更深入地理解功能、疾病機製和對治療的反應。而活細胞成像是從珍貴的細胞樣本中獲取最大信息的重要工具。 不同於傳統的終點法細胞檢測提供的指定時間點細胞反應的的快照,活細胞成像可提供擾動效應的完整動態過程的視頻。同時為了從細胞中獲取最相關和最可靠的數據,細胞也要能夠隨著時間的推移保持活 ...



用常規方法進行蛋白和核酸的準確定量分析是比較困難的。我們的TSA試劑盒可以大幅提升免疫組化、免疫熒光和原位雜交的信號強度,並且對檢測設備無特殊要求。 我們也可以在單張圖像上實現七色(含DAPI)複染的多標記蛋白檢測。其工作流程與標準的免疫組化方案類似,而且不必擔心抗體物種來源造成的交叉幹擾,全部選用效率最高的抗體完成多 ...


Microplates Imaging

Out of focus images and inaccurate data collection are common issues caused by microplates that have not been specifically designed for the unique challenges of ...



獲取、保存、可視化和量化你的圖像數據,然後安全的進行數據分享和保存。同時保證快速便捷的數據接入。 PerkinELmer 提供了複雜細胞模型的成像功能以及相應的分析軟件幫助您實施更高質量、更快速研究工作,幫助您更高效的進行研究工作。 我們可靠的數據分析軟件能有效的分析關聯TB級別細胞學成像和分析科研數據信息。



The cell::explorer™ cellular application workstation is designed to integrate automated high-throughput cellular screening multiple detection methods. Cell Cult ...


Cellular Imaging Applications

Discover how 爱游戏平台注册登录 high-content screening solutions can benefit your research in both new and established applications. From everyday assays to the most d ...


3D 細胞培養和分析定量

3D 微組織的大量應用已經成為建立高生物相關型形態和功能模型的關鍵,這一模型對於明確組織形態,疾病機製研究,藥物研發和組織工程都具有重大意義。 Perkinelmer 為3D 微組織應用提供了完整的解決方案,從3D微組織培養,代謝性評估試劑到先進的高內涵成像分析平台。


Nexcelom Cell Counters & Image Cytometers

Nexcelom from 爱游戏平台注册登录 cell counters & image cytometers provide a fast and efficient way to assess cell health and viability, immunophenotyping, and more rou ...

