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生命科學與診斷 & 分析和企業服務

Chemicals Research & Development

So how do chemicals manufacturers keep up with the extremely fast paced change occurring in industries like semiconductor and electronics, automotive, construction, agriculture, food production and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations? Innovations and formulations from research and developers (R&D) or chemical synthesis, no matter the industry they are serving, play a vital role in the decisions made for downstream, full-scale production, which in turn connects to the health and wellness of consumers and the environment. Developing new products is costly, as chemical companies must ensure that the products they produce reflect the specifications and properties across early phase innovation and development through downstream manufacturing process leading to the final product.

The importance of developing new specialty chemical formulations like agrochemicals and pesticides is ever increasing due to population growth, climate change and diminishing natural resources due to industrialization. The continued innovation of new active ingredients for agrochemicals, in balance with quality and efficacy, is vital to global food production. However, this 71.6 billion dollar industry can only improve and thrive by addressing environmental changes by innovating products like slow release and timed release fertilizers, adapting to regulatory changes, international laws, and the ability of downstream manufacturing to easily adopt new technologies, software features and processes. Employing analytical testing solutions capable of high accuracy to detect unexpected toxicity levels, organic or metal impurities, and which are flexible enough to analyze synthetic and blended materials is critical to quality chemical manufacturing.

To remain competitive, bulk or commodity chemical R&D are increasingly challenged to improve production yield and chemical quality, while complying with regulations and safety standards, and reducing costs. Smart manufacturing requires high throughput analytical testing solutions, software and informatics to help manufacturers better understand their data and make decisions that will protect and improve their bottom line.

In contrast, fine and specialty chemicals R&D manufacturers and contract testing labs focus on improvements to yield purity, versus volume. These chemical manufacturers require robust and reliable analytical testing solutions that provide critical impurities data in order to uphold price for quality, regulatory compliance, along with industry leading service programs, to meet the growing demands of the global chemicals marketplace.

Explore Our Chemicals R&D Testing Solutions


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