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Dairy data management

Dairy Data Management

Dairy Data Management Solutions Spotlight

Net Plus

Our networking software NetPlus Remote makes administration of groups of NIR instruments easier than ever before. NetPlus Remote is designed for networking and remote administration of groups of instruments. Whether you manage just a few instruments or an NIR network of one hundred instruments, NetPlus Remote streamlines your tasks.

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iLab Laboratory Execution System (LES) - Work efficiently with a system that allows you to abandon manual paper processes and embrace simple, accurate automation, from data collection to calculations to reporting results.

Tibco Spotfire

Organizations and individuals can seize new opportunities and evade risks with unmatched speed and flexibility, using the TIBCO Spotfire analytics platform. From interactive dashboards and visualizations to predictive analytics, TIBCO Spotfire software is an enterprise analytics platform that helps scientists quickly explore data to spot actionable insights instantly, without requiring IT intervention. 爱游戏平台注册登录 's TIBCO Spotfire based solutions enable customers to quickly analyze disparate data from multiple sources and create a complete picture of what's happening in real time.

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