Dairy Herd Improvement & Payment Testing | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

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Dairy herd improvement

Dairy Herd Improvement & Payment Testing

The nutritional value of milk is particularly high due to the balance of the nutrients that its composed of. The composition varies among animal species and breeds within the same species, and also from one dairy to the other, depending on the period of lactation and diet. Consistent monitoring of the compositional analysis of milk also delivers deeper insights into overall herd health, allowing farmers to selectively improve milk composition and the total milk yield of their herds. This is undertaken by analyzing collected milk for specific health markers such as somatic cell count and non-esterified fatty acids in milk. The composition of milk has a direct impact on its commercial value.

Dairy Herd Improvement & Payment Related Content

Veterinary Residues & Contaminant Testing

Agricultural practice or pollution - At farm level, intensification of dairy production with the consequent increased livestock population may result in a raise in the use of veterinary drugs while other hazards such as disinfectants may find their way into the milk chain through hygienic and industrial practice. As demand for increasingly inventive dairy products continues to grow, it is vital for food labs to utilize robust contaminant testing technologies to increase efficiency. We can offer advanced solutions that dairy labs can use to ensure safe and high-quality products - from the first batch, to the last.

Determination, Confirmation and Quantitation of Multi-Class Antibiotic Residues in Milk by UHPLC MS/

A rapid, rugged and reliable LC/MS/MS method for the analysis of different antibiotic classes in milk with a simple sample preparation method showing good recoveries for most of the antibiotic classes. This method allowes the identification and quantification of target compounds in low ppb range (0. ...

Compositional & Somatic Cell Count Testing

Consistent monitoring the compositional analysis of milk also delivers deeper insights into overall herd health, allowing farmers to selectively improve milk composition and the total milk yield of their herds. This is undertaken by analyzing collected milk for specific health markers such as somatic cell count and non-esterified fatty acids in milk. The composition of milk has a direct impact on its commercial value. 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers the highest speed analyzer able to process 300- 600 samples /hour analyzing compositional as wel as somatic cell counting

Analysis of Dairy Powders Using the DA 7250 NIR

Analysis of dairy powders with high accuracy for the constituents by means of the 爱游戏平台注册登录 DA 7250, a proven NIR instrument designed for use in the food industry. Using novel diode array technology it performs a multi-component analysis in less than ten seconds with no sample preparation.

Milk Adulteration with Melamine – Screening, Testing and Real-Time Detection

Screening, testing or real-time detection can be utilized to detect melamine-adulterated milk in a supply chain.The determination of where the sampling is taking place, who is carrying out the measurement and whether the testing is to meet regulation defines which technology to use.

Milk Adulteration: Detecting Species-Specific Proteins by LC/MS

One of the simplest forms of milk adulteration is to dilute more expensive milks from species, such as sheep and buffalo, with less expensive cow milk. We have developed a method for measuring the addition of bovine milk to more expensive milks (goat, sheep, buffalo and camel) by using liquid chroma ...

The determination of residual lactose in lactose reduced milk by Lactoscope FTIR advanced

Method for the determination of residual lactose in milk by Lactoscope FTA .

Measure the level of acidity in a milk sample using FTIR technology

A method to measure the level of acidity in a milk sample using FTIR technology.

Pathogen Testing

Pathogens may enter the dairy chain at different stages. There are several factors that influence their growth such as composition of the product (pH, moisture, water activity), curd cooking, failure in the pasteurization process, biochemical changes during aging, post-process contamination.

爱游戏平台注册登录 provides fast, sensitive and cost effective pathogen detection assays for the detection of Listeria, Salmonella and E.Coli in milk.

Water Testing

A reliable, high quality water supply is essential to dairy farms as it is used for animal consumption, milk cooling, cleaning and sanitizing equipment. This water is often sourced from wells, ponds and canals and is often repurposed and reused. Monitoring of its quality is important as contaminants can end up in the water supply chain. 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers a suite of water testing equipment to help to secure water quality.

Feed Testing

Ruminants need a daily supply of all nutrients required for maintenance and production of milk. With the variety of feeding materials available it becomes important to know its chemical composition and nutrient value. 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers a suite of testing instruments for feedtesting for the determiantion of all the compositional values of feed to help you grant a constant high quality to your products.

Dairy Herd Improvment & Payment Related Technologies
