
EONIS System

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Innovate Yet Simple, Designed To Meet Your Demands

Multiplexing using Real-Time PCR technology to screen for SMA, SCID and XLA. The EONIS System has been designed with automated steps to reduce the hands on time to reduce work load.

The design of the assay and system enables automation to further streamline the workflow of high-throughput laboratories without compromising the sample traceability from punch to result.

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Eonis SCID SMA kit

Eonis SCID-SMA kit

EONIS assay consists of four easy steps; punching, extraction, amplification and data analysis.

Dedicated analysis software enables quantification of TREC and KREC, while SMN1 results are reported qualitatively. SMA carrier status will not be detected or reported. RPP30 is used as an internal amplification control as well as basis for the quantification. Software analysis includes automated run acceptance criteria from kit controls to ensure that the quality of measured data is not compromised.

Eonis DNA Extraction kit

Eonis DNA Extraction kit

The Eonis DNA Extraction kit is an in vitro diagnostic device intended for extraction and purification of DNA in newborn blood specimens dried on filter paper.

The Eonis DNA Extraction kit provides an effective solution for extracting and purifying DNA from a 3.2 mm DBS disk for molecular assays.
