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Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions
A Life Sciences and Diagnostics business focused on enabling scientists and healthcare professionals to advance research, discovery and detection to improve global health
An Analytical and Enterprise solutions business, including leading OneSource laboratory services, focused on accelerating scientific outcomes
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1-25 of 97 Products & Services
Epic™ HILIC Silica is based on ultrapure silica rigorously sized to produce highly efficient columns. Epic HILIC silica is pretreated to yield uniform distribution of silanol sites essential for reproducible HILIC chromatography. Epic HILIC silica is useful for the separation of polar bases which can ion exchange with silanols enabling the retention of these polar bases.
Epic™ Polar is a high density C18 packing specifically engineered for the retention of polar analytes and allows full interaction with the bonded hydrocarbon phase, even in 100% aqueous mobile phases. Under these highly aqueous conditions, our novel proprietary bonding chemistry allows the bonded chains to remain fully extended in the mobile phase. Epic Polar can retain highly water-soluble compounds such as small organic acids, water-soluble vitamins, purines and pyrimidines, cathecholamines and other polar compounds.
The Epic™ PFP LB (low bleed) is a pentafluorophenyl that has been baseline stabilized and is ready for high performance separations. The Epic PFP LB is a truly unique stationary phase with properties significantly different than C18 phases. This unique characteristic results from bonded pentafluorophenyl groups imparting a π-π electron interaction which produces an enhanced retention for many compounds, such as natural products, halogenated compounds, aromatics, conjugated compounds and trace impurities in complex matrices. Many of these high-performance separations were not possible with existing PFP columns especially in the area of trace impurities where baseline bleed levels were unacceptable. Epic PFP LB columns have been stabilized to provide low column bleed, increased lifetimes, better pH stability, and superior LC-MS performance.
Epic™ HILIC POH (POH for polyhydroxylated) is a new stationary phase for HILIC chromatography. It is composed of a polyhydroxylated polymer coated and bound to silica. This polymer coating enhances the behavior of the stationary phase under HILIC operating conditions. This composition provides hydroxyl levels that are well above conventional hydroxyl and diol type stationary phases.
The Epic™ FO LB is a baseline stabilized alkyl perfluorinated C8 (perfluorooctyl), with low bleed characteristics and is well suited to the separation of trace impurities, especially for halogenated analytes, lipophilic compounds and environmental samples. Fluorinated phases are able to perform many unique and difficult separations which cannot be performed on the best available C18 columns. Traditionally, fluorinated phases have suffered from poor column lifetimes, unstable baselines and column bleed, especially when used with mass spectrometry (MS). Epic FO LB has been stabilized to provide low column bleed, increased lifetimes, better pH stability, and superior LC-MS performance.
Epic™ Biphenyl is a truly unique stationary phase with properties significantly different than ODS phases. This unique character results from bonded biphenyl groups, covalently attached to high purity silica, imparting a π-π electron interaction which produces an enhanced retention for many compounds particularly those that contain polarizable electrons. Many classes of compounds contain polarizable electrons including halogenated compounds, aromatics, nitro aromatics and conjugated systems.
Epic™ Amine HD (high density) is a polymeric amino phase bonded to silica. Applications include HILIC, weak acids, and sugars. The Epic bonding technology produces columns of superior performance and durability. These performance characteristics result from the high bonding density found in the Epic bonding process.
Epic™ Polar is a high density C18 packing specifically engineered for the retention of polar analytes and allows full interaction with the bonded hydrocarbon phase, even in 100% aqueous mobile phases. Under these highly aqueous conditions, our novel proprietary bonding chemistry allows the bonded chains to remain fully extended in the mobile phase. Epic Polar can retain highly water-soluble compounds such as small organic acids, water-soluble vitamins, purines and pyrimidines, cathecholamines and other polar compounds.
Epic™ Phenyl-Hexyl employs a 6-carbon (hexyl) linked phenyl phase bonded to high purity silica, where the hexyl alkyl chain delivers unique selectivity and increased hydrolytic stability when compared to propyl-linked phenyl phase chemistry. This retentive phase provides different selectivity to straight chain hydrocarbon phases like C6, C8 or C18, and it is especially useful for aromatic analytes, complex samples and polar pharmaceutical compounds. The Epic high-density bonding technology delivers to the chromatographer superior performance, durability, and enhanced lot-to-lot reproducibility. Epic Phenyl-Hexyl offers the chromatographer a truly superior phenyl-based interaction for enhanced chromatographic performance.
The Epic™ Phenyl phase is π-basic (electron donating) and is similar in overall retention to alkyl phases. The alternate selectivity exhibited by phenyl phases is explained by the π-π interactions available through the phenyl ring. Compounds that exhibit this alternate selectivity on the Epic Phenyl phase include antibiotics such as tetracycline, moderate bases such as anesthetics, some acidic compounds such as quinoline antibiotics and nucleosides. The Epic high-density bonding technology delivers superior performance, durability and enhanced lot-to-lot reproducibility. Epic Phenyl offers a truly superior phenyl-based interaction for enhanced chromatographic performance.
The Epic™ PFP LB (low bleed) is a pentafluorophenyl that has been baseline stabilized and is ready for high performance separations. The Epic PFP LB is a truly unique stationary phase with properties significantly different than C18 phases. This unique characteristic results from bonded pentafluorophenyl groups imparting a π-π electron interaction which produces an enhanced retention for many compounds, such as natural products, halogenated compounds, aromatics, conjugated compounds and trace impurities in complex matrices. Many of these high-performance separations were not possible with existing PFP columns especially in the area of trace impurities where baseline bleed levels were unacceptable. Epic PFP LB columns have been stabilized to provide low column bleed, increased lifetimes, better pH stability, and superior LC-MS performance.
Epic™ Naphthyl is a naphthalene based material, with high bonding density and intrinsic base deactivation due to a rigid structure that also enables the shape selectivity needed for many diastereomeric separations. It exhibits strong π-π interactions and charge transfer interactions and performs well for diastereomer separations and non-polar compounds. The unique properties of Epic Naphthyl places its selectivity between graphitized carbon and alkyl type stationary phases.
Epic™ HILIC POH (POH for polyhydroxylated) is a new stationary phase for HILIC chromatography. It is composed of a polyhydroxylated polymer coated and bound to silica. This polymer coating enhances the behavior of the stationary phase under HILIC operating conditions. This composition provides hydroxyl levels that are well above conventional hydroxyl and diol type stationary phases.
Epic™ HILIC PI is a new stationary phase for HILIC chromatography. It consists of an aromatic amine based stationary phase bound to silica. This composition provides for excellent retention and peak shape for polar amine compounds and superior retention of acids. Many of the commercially available HILIC stationary phases are converted normal phase columns. These normal phase columns yield poor methods, poor separations and lack durability. Epic HILIC PI is specifically designed for HILIC chromatography and can achieve high performance separations, yield rugged methods and deliver long column lifetimes.
Epic™ HILIC FL is useful for retention and separation of polar and non polar compounds that are not retained or separated on conventional reversed phase columns. It consists of a fluorinated based stationary phase bound to silica. This composition provides for excellent retention and peak shape for polar halogenated, polar amines and polar aromatic compounds. Epic HILIC FL is specifically designed for HILIC chromatography and can achieve high performance separations, yield rugged methods and deliver long column lifetimes.
Epic™ Diphenyl bonded phase, with reduced hydrophobicity produces HPLC columns with novel selectivity, exhibiting increased speed and resolution, utilizes strong dipole-dipole hydrogen bonding and π-π mechanisms for different selectivity for compounds containing double bonds or aromatic functional groups. In addition, the diphenyl arrangement of the phase can also contribute to steric selectivity allowing for an additional chromatographic interaction. Epic Diphenyl is also highly selective for proteins with aromatic side chains. Epic Diphenyl utilizes our proprietary high-density bonding technology enabling superior performance, durability and enhanced lot-to-lot reproducibility.
Epic™ C8 is a highly base deactivated phase that produces a highly inert phase. As a result of the high-density bonding levels (>4µmol/m2), Epic C8 demonstrates TMS superior peak shapes for the most demanding applications over a wide pH range. The C8 phase is less hydrophobic than the C18 phase and is, therefore, useful for separations which require less retention. It can be particularly useful for more hydrophobic compounds, both charged and neutral (e.g. lipids and steroids).
Epic™ C18 MS is specifically engineered for the demands of LC-MS and is a product of high bonding density, allowing maximum stationary phase interaction and providing a platform for flexible mobile phase compositions. It provides superior retention even at high organic levels. Many LC-MS applications rely on high level of organic modifier in the mobile phase, particularly for high performance trace analysis requiring high sensitivity and low-level detection; Epic C18 MS is ideally suited for these mobile phase conditions. This phase is compatible with all LC-MS mobile phases and buffer systems.
Epic™ Biphenyl is a truly unique stationary phase with properties significantly different than ODS phases. This unique character results from bonded biphenyl groups, covalently attached to high purity silica, imparting a π-π electron interaction which produces an enhanced retention for many compounds particularly those that contain polarizable electrons. Many classes of compounds contain polarizable electrons including halogenated compounds, aromatics, nitro aromatics and conjugated systems.
Epic™ Amine HD (high density) is a polymeric amino phase bonded to silica. Applications include HILIC, weak acids, and sugars. The Epic bonding technology produces columns of superior performance and durability. These performance characteristics result from the high bonding density found in the Epic bonding process.
Epic™ Polar is a high density C18 packing specifically engineered for the retention of polar analytes and allows full interaction with the bonded hydrocarbon phase, even in 100% aqueous mobile phases. Under these highly aqueous conditions, our novel proprietary bonding chemistry allows the bonded chains to remain fully extended in the mobile phase. Epic Polar can retain highly water-soluble compounds such as small organic acids, water-soluble vitamins, purines and pyrimidines, cathecholamines and other polar compounds.
Epic™ Phenyl-Hexyl employs a 6-carbon (hexyl) linked phenyl phase bonded to high purity silica, where the hexyl alkyl chain delivers unique selectivity and increased hydrolytic stability when compared to propyl-linked phenyl phase chemistry. This retentive phase provides different selectivity to straight chain hydrocarbon phases like C6, C8 or C18, and it is especially useful for aromatic analytes, complex samples and polar pharmaceutical compounds. The Epic high-density bonding technology delivers to the chromatographer superior performance, durability, and enhanced lot-to-lot reproducibility. Epic Phenyl-Hexyl offers the chromatographer a truly superior phenyl-based interaction for enhanced chromatographic performance.
The Epic™ PFP LB (low bleed) is a pentafluorophenyl that has been baseline stabilized and is ready for high performance separations. The Epic PFP LB is a truly unique stationary phase with properties significantly different than C18 phases. This unique characteristic results from bonded pentafluorophenyl groups imparting a π-π electron interaction which produces an enhanced retention for many compounds, such as natural products, halogenated compounds, aromatics, conjugated compounds and trace impurities in complex matrices. Many of these high-performance separations were not possible with existing PFP columns especially in the area of trace impurities where baseline bleed levels were unacceptable. Epic PFP LB columns have been stabilized to provide low column bleed, increased lifetimes, better pH stability, and superior LC-MS performance.
The Epic™ Cyano phase is a less hydrophobic phase than the alkyl C8 and C18 phases and provides excellent stability and reproducibility (lot-to-lot). The cyano functionality offers increased dipole interactions for alternative selectivity. It is suitable for RP (e.g. higher molecular weight compounds) and NP applications.
Epic™ C8 is a highly base deactivated phase that produces a highly inert phase. As a result of the high-density bonding levels (>4µmol/m2), Epic C8 demonstrates TMS superior peak shapes for the most demanding applications over a wide pH range. The C8 phase is less hydrophobic than the C18 phase and is, therefore, useful for separations which require less retention. It can be particularly useful for more hydrophobic compounds, both charged and neutral (e.g. lipids and steroids).
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