Food Markets We Serve | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

Introducing Revvity - Expanding the boundaries of human potential through science

(Revvity was previously affiliated with 爱游戏平台注册登录 , Inc.)

We are now two standalone organizations

Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions

Discover Food Safety and Quality

Markets we Serve

Food Markets We Serve

爱游戏平台注册登录 provides a complete range of food testing solutions that are used extensively by researchers through several end markets in the food and beverage industry such as Dairy, Grain, Meat & Seafood and Processed Food.

Contract testing laboratories can find a broad range of solutions to detect harmful levels of toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides, ensure accurate labelling and compliance with regulations around the globe, evaluate the quality of raw materials prior to food processing, meet targets of nutritional content, maintain standards for flavors and aroma, to sustain consistency in food and beverages and also to understand how food packaging affects the food it contains.

We also provide a full range of testing solutions for Cannabis laboratories in need of reliable and user-friendly products from a single vendor, able to satisfy the unique requirements of the industry.

Our technology allows us to read the story that every food product has to tell, regardless of the concentration or the structure of the analytes, or the dimension of the molecules on major or minor ingredients.

We have the capabilities to deliver solutions to check if there are food additives to enhance safety and quality characteristics. And we can also provide you with an answer if the food has been contaminated by pesticides, veterinary drugs, antibiotics, hormones, mycotoxins, allergens or other residues.

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