大麻和漢麻的遺傳學研究 | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

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Genetic Testing in Cannabis & Hemp


爱游戏登录网 的端到端解決方案使大麻種植者能夠最大限度地減少錯誤,減少實際操作時間,提高產量和可重複性。您可以根據測試和分析通量需求,靈活添加檢測模塊來滿足您的需求。






Marker Assisted Selection For Cannabis Breeding

爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s end to end solutions allow Cannabis breeders to minimize errors, reduce hands-on time, and increase throughput and reproducibility. Flexible instrumentation modules, based on your testing and throughput requirements, can be added to meet yo


有害有毒元素可被大麻植物吸收,即使處於微量水平,它們仍可能對最終消費者有害。因此,測定植物和植物材料中有毒元素的含量非常重要。為了確保準確性和合規性,我們可為您提供Titan MPS和NexION ICP-MS以及詳細的SOP,幫助大麻實驗室對汞、鉛、砷和鎘等重金屬進行定量分析。



爱游戏平台注册登录 Cannabis & Hemp Analytical Solutions App Note Compendium

This compendium explores how mass spectrometry can interrogate cannabis in record time, detecting heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents – all highly harmful to consumers in substantial amounts. In terms of desirable compounds, modified mass spectrometry techniques can also be harnessed to d ...


大麻, 大麻提取物濃縮可食用的, 大麻中的重金屬, 大麻中的鎘 由於重金屬的毒性,隨著大麻的使用越來越普遍,對大麻花和其他大麻衍生物中重金屬進行檢測,以便維護患者和消費者的安全,這一點越來越重要。這一需求已轉化為對大麻花和其他大麻衍生物的有毒金屬檢測需求日益增加,如重金屬鎘(Cd)、鉛(Pb)、砷(As)和汞(Hg)。在本應用說明中,我們提供數據來說明成功驗證了采用Titan MPS™ 微波樣品製備係統和NexION®ICP-MS,根據美國藥典總章<233>中規定的驗證方案測定大麻花中的重金屬,這通常用於評估樣品中元素雜質水平。

Pesticide and Mycotoxin Testing

Testing to ensure that pesticide and mycotoxin levels in cannabis products are below regulatory levels is critical, as the cannabis concentrate matrix presents many analytical challenges including higher sample matrix effects and an increased concentration of cannabinoids in the sample. High performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has emerged as the method of choice for pesticide and mycotoxin analysis as it offers superior selectivity, sensitivity, ruggedness, and does not require extensive sample preparation before analysis for a wide panel of analytes.

Our QSight® LC/MS/MS can analyze pesticides (including hydrophobic and chlorinated pesticides typically analyzed by GC/MS/MS) and mycotoxins in a cannabis concentrate matrix. Thanks to the dual APCI and ESI sources, you can get detection limits below those specified by the states cannabis regulations with a single instrument.

Moreover, we are now capable of offering you our QS-Works 420, the fully automated cannabis sample preparation workflow, which includes the ONE Pesticide420 reagent kit, JANUS® G3 420 Workstation, QSight® 420 LC/MSMS, integrated SimplicityLab420 software for data management, and cannabis specific SOPs, ensures that only the highest quality of cannabis products reach the consumer.

爱游戏平台注册登录 Cannabis & Hemp Analytical Solutions App Note Compendium

This compendium explores how mass spectrometry can interrogate cannabis in record time, detecting heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents – all highly harmful to consumers in substantial amounts. In terms of desirable compounds, modified mass spectrometry techniques can also be harnessed to d ...




檢測大麻中農藥和真菌毒素的含量對於確保消費者安全和質量控製非常重要。在這項工作中,爱游戏平台注册登录 應用開發團隊分析了所有66種農藥(包括通常通過GC-MS/MS分析的極疏水性農藥和含氯農藥)以及加入到大麻花提取物中的5種真菌毒素,其含量遠低於加利福尼亞州規定的限值。使用配有ESI和APCI源的LC-MS/MS儀器,通過一種簡單的溶劑萃取方法,所有分析物回收率均在70-120%的可接受範圍內。

QS-Works 420 Complete Automated Workflow for Potency, Pesticide, and Mycotoxin Testing in Cannabis and Hemp

QS-Works 420 represents the first ever connected suite of technology and reagents developed solely for supporting the cannabis and hemp testing market. Included in the workflow is a holistic laboratory execution system (LES), which integrates data across all instruments to allow scientists to proces ...

Analysis of Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis and Hemp with the ONE Pesticide420™ ISO17034 CRM Reagent Kit

To help laboratories reduce their turn around time, and improve their overall efficiency and data quality, 爱游戏平台注册登录 has developed the ONE Pesticide420™ ISO 17034 Reagent Kit for labs that operate in accordance with the California, Oregon, or equivalent regulatory requirements. In this study, mult ...


隨著《2018年農業改良法案》的通過,為大麻二酚(CBD)提取而進行的大麻產品農業種植在美國合法化。自該法案通過以來,對大麻生產中殺蟲劑的使用備受關注。然而,美國目前沒有聯邦指南來標準化大麻製品中農藥殘留的檢測和定量分析方法。 在該應用文獻中,介紹了一種一針進樣同時測定66種殺蟲劑的穩健高效的LC/MS/MS方法,且分析物涵蓋了常規情況下需要采用GC/MS/MS分析的部分疏水性農藥和含氯農藥。采用爱游戏平台注册登录 QSight®420 (UHPLC和MS/MS檢測器,雙ESI/APCI源) ,可獲得70-120%範圍內的優良回收率。文獻中還概述了參加Emerald Scientific盲 ...


繼2018年加拿大娛樂性大麻使用合法化之後,大麻產品的質量和安全性受到了極大關注。加拿大衛生部製定了一項監管計劃,要求對所有大麻製品進行農藥檢測。根據該計劃,加拿大大麻製品的許可生產商(LPs)必須向獨立實驗室發送具有代表性的產品樣本,以便進行農藥篩查和定量分析。本文闡述了利用ESI和APCI兩種模式的LC/MS/MS分析大麻花中96種農藥的一種穩健和可靠的方法。該方法不僅提供超低的檢測限(同等或低於加拿大衛生部監管水平),而且與其他可用方法相比,效率顯著提高。隻需將LC/MS/MS與ESI和APCI模式結合使用來分析所有96種受管製農藥,而無需進行GC/MS/MS和LC/MS/MS分析,為操 ...

新型ESI與APCI 結合LC/MS/MS法檢測大麻及大麻濃縮物樣品

隨著一些美國的州和省通過了藥用和娛樂用途合法化的新法規,大麻濃縮物和CBD產品(食用食品、主題食品、電子煙產品等)的使用越來越受歡迎。確保大麻產品中殺蟲劑和真菌毒素水平低於監管水平的測試至關重要,然而,大麻濃縮物基質存在許多分析挑戰,包括樣品基質效應更高和樣品中大麻素濃度增加。在本應用說明中,提出了一種用於分析大麻濃縮物基質中66種農藥(包括通常通過GC/MS/MS分析的疏水性和含氯農藥)和5種真菌毒素的LC/MS/MS方法。利用配置有APCI和ESI雙源的QSight®420 LC/MS/MS儀器,分析回收率良好且檢測限低於加利福尼亞州大麻法規規定的標準。



LC/MS/MS Analytical Method for Pesticide Residue in Cannabis Flower as Defined by Florida Testing Requirements

This application note outlines a new workflow with one instrument platform (LC/MS/MS) method that is ideal for simultaneous analysis of pesticide and mycotoxins residue in cannabis. This application note demonstrates the performance of a LC/MS/MS ESI and APCI method with a single solvent extraction ...

Quantitation of Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues in Cannabis as Defined by Seven States Recreational Cannabis Regulations

This application note describes a novel LC/MS/MS method with dual ESI and APCI source for analysis of different pesticides and mycotoxins residues regulated by seven different states in cannabis samples as of June 2021. The straightforward sample preparation procedure allows to achieve short sample ...



爱游戏登录网 開發了一種在GC/MS-HS上進行殘留溶劑和萜烯分析的方法,這是目前行業內最快的,使實驗室效率最高。



爱游戏平台注册登录 Cannabis & Hemp Analytical Solutions App Note Compendium

This compendium explores how mass spectrometry can interrogate cannabis in record time, detecting heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents – all highly harmful to consumers in substantial amounts. In terms of desirable compounds, modified mass spectrometry techniques can also be harnessed to d ...

Fast, Accurate, and Precise Terpene Testing of Cannabis Samples

Like all botanicals and plants found in nature, cannabis also contains terpenes, which are the aromatic oils that give rise to the distinctive flavors and aromas found in cannabis varieties. There have been up to 140 different types of terpenes reported in cannabis, but multiple studies suggest that ...

Fast, Quantitative Analysis of Residual Solvents in Cannabis Concentrates

Compared to the more traditional cannabis flower, cannabis concentrate products, such as extracts, tinctures, edibles, waxes, and oils are becoming the most commonly used cannabis products that are legally manufactured for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Most concentrates are extracted usi ...


有四種不同型號可供選擇,JANUS® G3工作站可滿足您的分析通量要求,並消除您的大麻樣本製備瓶頸,以進行有效成分分析。


爱游戏平台注册登录 JANUS® G3工作站組合針對您的大麻產品質量和安全分析自動化進行了優化,並提供滿足您當前和未來需求的靈活性。爱游戏登录网 的應用科學家團隊已經開發出使用JANUS® G3工作站可以將主要樣品轉移和樣品製備的自動化方法。

爱游戏平台注册登录 Cannabis & Hemp Analytical Solutions App Note Compendium

This compendium explores how mass spectrometry can interrogate cannabis in record time, detecting heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents – all highly harmful to consumers in substantial amounts. In terms of desirable compounds, modified mass spectrometry techniques can also be harnessed to d ...



