Grain Testing Solutions | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

Introducing Revvity - Expanding the boundaries of human potential through science

(Revvity was previously affiliated with 爱游戏平台注册登录 , Inc.)

We are now two standalone organizations

Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions

Discover Food Safety and Quality

Grain quality analysis

Grain Testing Solutions

Safeguard the quality and safety of your grain.

Today’s grain business demands more when it comes to quality and safety. And the only way to ensure that your grain meets industry requirements and is safe for consumption is through rigorous testing.

Our easy-to-operate, integrated testing and analysis solutions help grain growers, traders, processors, and labs test for quality and safety at each stage, including:

  • Establishing grain value
  • Determining quality, nutrition, and safety
  • Optimizing product yield and reducing waste
  • Developing innovative, sustainable plant-based food products

With more than 60 years in the grain industry, we’re proud to be an ally in helping feed the world – safely, nutritiously, and economically.

Grain Analysis Across the Entire Supply Chain

Grain Trade

We offer a comprehensive range of industry-leading dedicated products and solutions, including the world standard Falling Number® instruments, Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm (UGMA), grain moisture meters, whole grain NIR analyzers, and a complete line of mycotoxin testing solutions.

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Flour Milling

Our reliable instruments quickly verify incoming wheat quality to avoid sprouted or mycotoxin-infected grain, segregate for protein, and monitor tempering. Our on-line systems provide results in real-time, allowing you to optimize blends and flour yield. Test final products for rheological and other properties, including Falling Number®, moisture, protein, ash, water absorption, stability, starch pasting, and more.

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Feed Milling

Analyze your raw materials to rapidly detect out-of-spec or mycotoxin infected shipments before they’re unloaded. Use our at-line and in-line analyzers to formulate cost-effectively, maximize use of higher value grain, optimize drying processes, boost feed value, minimize supplement use, and verify the quality and safety of finished feeds.

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Wet Corn Milling

Our unique combination of functional and compositional testing solutions helps starch manufacturers to be more efficient and produce the right quality products. Use our instruments to verify starch pasting quality, monitor and characterize starch modifications, and evaluate its performance.

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Rice Milling

Our solutions help develop new rice varieties, identify varieties in the field, maximize milling yield, and monitor safety and quality of final products, ensuring customer satisfaction and product palatability.

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Test barley, malt, hops, adjuncts, spent grain, and beer for a wide variety of parameters such as moisture, protein, alpha and beta acids, and much more. Optimize process efficiency and ensure your beer meets quality and flavor requirements.

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Oilseed Extraction

Our oilseeds analysis solutions improve your operational efficiency and increase bottom line, enabling you to rapidly determine moisture, oil, fatty acid profile, and more in oilseeds, monitor degumming and free-fatty-acid neutralization, verify oilseed meal nutritional properties.

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Ethanol Production

Test feedstocks, monitor fermentation processes, and verify final and co-product quality. Use our analytical solutions to optimize your ethanol production, avoid quality issues during processing, improve throughput and reduce waste – material, energy, and labor.

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Grain Harvest Webinar: Grain Quality Considerations

By monitoring parameters such as sprout damage, moisture, and protein levels through recommended testing methods, you can make informed decisions around selling, buying, and processing new crop grain for maximum return on your investment. Join our live webinar to learn more.

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Request More Information

Contact us to see how we can help you.

Keeping Grains Safe, High Quality, and Nutritious
