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生命科學與診斷 & 分析和企業服務

Infectious Disease Research

Infectious diseases continue to take a toll on human health, affecting all aspects of our lives.  Fast development of preventative vaccines and therapeutic treatments has become imperative as the increased globalization of our modern world enables the rapid spread of infectious diseases.

Persistent use of antibiotics has provoked the emergence of multidrug resistant bacteria, creating therapeutic challenges that need to be adressed by the development of novel therapeutics or combination therapies.  

We offer a diverse product portfolio that helps scientists make critical discoveries through genomic analysis, in vitro, cell-based, and in vivo studies, accelerating their ability to develop treatments and vaccines.

On Target

Pathogen Genomics

Genetic information from viruses, bacteria and other infectious organisms plays a crucial role in diagnosing infection, investigating outbreaks, describing transmission patterns, monitoring antimicrobial resistance and last but not least, developing interventions such as vaccines. Next-generation-sequencing has made it possible, to investigate pathogens as well as mirobiome genomes at much greater detail and throughput.


Host Pathogen-Interactions

Understanding host-pathogen interactions on a molecular, cellular or organism level is the basis for developing effective new treatments. To achieve physiological relevant results, today’s infectious disease research moves towards more complex disease models such as co-cultures or organoids that better resemble in vivo biology. Whether you want to analyze infection of cellular models or in vivo models, or study protein:protein interactions and identify PPI inhibitors, we provide the reagents, instruments and software you need to enable these applications.

Immune Response

When a pathogen infects the human body, a battle ensues between the host’s innate & adaptive immune systems and the pathogen’s virulence mechanisms and factors. Pathways such as MAP kinase, JAK/STAT, and NFκB play a central role in the antiviral immune response along with ligands such as IL-6, TNFα, and the INFs (-γ, -α, -β, and -λ). 爱游戏平台注册登录 offers a wide range of reagents, detection and imaging instruments enabling to study the antiviral immune response both in vitro and in vivo.

Drug Discovery

Antimicrobial research and drug discovery requires sensitive and reliable technologies to detect microbial growth and measure antimicrobial effects. We provide solutions to measure bacterial growth or viral titers, perform target-based, high-throughput drug screens or phenotypic screening and characterize bacterial phenotypes for antimicrobial resistance research using high-content analysis.


Viral Diseases and Vaccines

Continued discovery of new antiviral medications and vaccines is important for global human health, particularly as new viruses such as the novel Coronavirus or novel Influenza viruses can emerge quickly. We offer solutions for measuring virus neutralization, antiviral compound effects, antiviral immune response or for studying cytokine storm, which is associated with COVID-19.


Resources Spotlight


Dr. Helena Fehling: Beating Leishmania Protozoan Parasites with Their Own Weapons

People in tropical areas around the globe are battling an increasingly common parasitic disease – leishmaniasis.

Pomegranate Peel Extract Shows Promising Antiviral Effects Against COVID-19

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, researchers around the world h ...

Can We Overcome the Emergence of HIV Drug Resistance with Novel Inhibitors?

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the largest epidemics in the world today, having claimed over 36 million lives to date.

Rethinking How We Prepare for The Next Pandemic

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted the fundamental role that research and innovation play in protecting people from the potential deadly effects of infecti ...

Antidepressant Shows Potential for Treating COVID-19

The speed at which researchers developed effective vaccines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 required unprecedented international cooperation on a scale never ...

Explore Our Infectious Disease Research Solutions


我們的高內涵篩選分析係統可滿足您實驗所需的靈敏度和速度,快速檢測更多樣品,並通過高內涵篩選分析獲取更多參數。 我們的高內涵篩選分析係統可幫助您從錯綜複雜的生物學問題中找到答案,憑借功能強大且界麵友好的成像和分析功能,該係統可靈活適用於從基礎科研到實驗模型開發以及藥物篩選的一係列應用。功能強大的高內涵顯微鏡係統將為您提供 ...


Live-Cell Imaging Instruments

生命科學研究實驗室研究細胞行為和通路從而更深入地理解功能、疾病機製和對治療的反應。而活細胞成像是從珍貴的細胞樣本中獲取最大信息的重要工具。 不同於傳統的終點法細胞檢測提供的指定時間點細胞反應的的快照,活細胞成像可提供擾動效應的完整動態過程的視頻。同時為了從細胞中獲取最相關和最可靠的數據,細胞也要能夠隨著時間的推移保持活 ...



獲取、保存、可視化和量化你的圖像數據,然後安全的進行數據分享和保存。同時保證快速便捷的數據接入。 PerkinELmer 提供了複雜細胞模型的成像功能以及相應的分析軟件幫助您實施更高質量、更快速研究工作,幫助您更高效的進行研究工作。 我們可靠的數據分析軟件能有效的分析關聯TB級別細胞學成像和分析科研數據信息。



Drug discovery is a complex, costly, and time-consuming undertaking. And for research scientists, high-throughput screening is where the journey to discovery be ...



我們提供適合任何實驗室各種應用需求的多模式微孔板讀板儀。每一款讀板儀都具有業內領先的檢測技術,因此無論您選擇任何一款儀器,您都可獲得針對您應用的最佳檢測性能。 VICTOR X 微孔板讀板儀 市場上第一台多功能微孔板讀板儀,VICTOR™ X 係列具有多種檢測功能,性能可靠,為各種規模的實驗室提供集靈活性、高速度和高性 ...



利用我們簡單易用的自動化液體處理解決方案加速您的生命科學研究:從工作台到診所。 由基因組學、生物治療學、高通量篩查、以及高含量分析領域大量經過驗證的科學專業知識進行設計並作為支持,我們的各種可適應性液體處理平台和它們推動的科學研究一樣具有動態性。我們的下一代測序自動化液體處理文庫製備解決方案通過現今的測序技術消除了處理 ...


Questions on our Infectious Disease Research Solutions?
