Liquid Dairy Products Testing Solutions | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

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Liquid Dairy Products Testing

Liquid Dairy Products Testing

Liquid Dairy Products are defined as products from the milk of mammals, such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and other milk-producing livestock containing milk proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals. Through reliable analytical solutions with global support and services, 爱游戏平台注册登录 has become a renowned and respected partner for dairy testing laboratories from testing incoming ingredients to finished product quality verification.

Liquid Dairy Related Content

Compositional Testing

The nutritional value of milk is particularly high due to the balance of the nutrients that compose it. The composition varies among animal species and breeds within the same species, and also from one dairy to the other, depending on the period of lactation and diet. Consistent monitoring the compositional analysis of milk also delivers deeper insights into overall herd health, allowing farmers to selectively improve milk composition and the total milk yield of their herds. This is undertaken by analyzing collected milk for specific health markers such as somatic cell count and non-esterified fatty acids in milk. The composition of milk has a direct impact on its commercial value.

LactoScope FT-A Liquid Dairy Products Analyzer

The LactoScope FT-A is our most versatile mid-infrared analyzer capable of testing a wide range of dairy product: milks, creams, whey, concentrates, ice-creams and yoghurt mixes. The latest hardware innovations allow to easily test the most challenging dairy products, such as creams with up to 55% f ...

LactoScope 300 FT-IR Dairy Analyzer

The LactoScope™ 300 FT-IR analyzer combines performance, accuracy, ease-of-use, and speed – analyzing samples and producing results in less than 45 seconds – all in one compact solution. This robust instrument comes with a powerful user interface, step-by-step workflows and built-in connectivity and ...

Global IndiScope FT-IR Milk Analyzer

Designed for milk collection points, 爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s IndiScope™ FT-IR milk analysis system makes milk collection and analysis efficient and reliable. An instrument that is fast, rugged and dependable, it provides accurate results every time. With the IndiScope system, milk collectors can guarantee fai ...

Identifying Quality Parameters in Milk Using the LactoScope FT-A

Efficient production of high-quality dairy products requires full control of incoming milk. Milk at intake may be of a different composition than that of the milk to be marketed, therefore, processors must adjust the composition as per requirements. This compositional modification is also necessary ...

Milk Analysis Using the LactoScope 300

Raw milk is the basis of most dairy products. This makes controlling the quality and safety from incoming tankers at earliest intake essential, as it’s key to process and quality control. Milk that deviates from normality can be harmful in terms of food safety and costly as it can increase waste dur ...

Analysis of Plant-Based Milk Using the Lactoscope

Plant-based milks are becoming increasingly popular with consumers as they seek healthier, non-animal-based options of milk protein. Unlike animal sourced milk, in plant-based milk production there are frequent changes between crop years and in crop sources. For example, the same plant grown in diff ...

Milk Adulteration with Melamine – Screening, Testing and Real-Time Detection

Screening, testing or real-time detection can be utilized to detect melamine-adulterated milk in a supply chain.The determination of where the sampling is taking place, who is carrying out the measurement and whether the testing is to meet regulation defines which technology to use.

The determination of residual lactose in lactose reduced milk by Lactoscope FTIR advanced

Method for the determination of residual lactose in milk by Lactoscope FTA .

Analysis of the NPN - Calculated urea in raw milk

Rapid routine determination of NPN/Calculated urea in raw milk with LactoScope FTIR milk analyzers. Analysis of NPN/Calculated urea in raw milk provides a useful indication of how effectively cows digest protein in the rumen providing vital information for feeding strategies and reproductive perform ...

Analysis of Micronutrients in Milk by Flame Atomic Absorption Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample Throughput

Milk is an important source of nutrients, mainly for children. Because of its importance, milk is available in several different forms, most commonly as fresh, but it is also available in nonperishable forms (such as powdered and evaporated). Therefore, the requirement exists to analyze several form ...

Screening for Melamine in milk by Lactoscope FTIR

A practical screening method for the presence of melamine down to a level of 500 ppm or 0.05%m/m using Lactoscope FTIR is presented here. The discrimination limit can be further reduced to 100 ppm (0.01%m/m) using the melamine specific detection model.

Analysis of Micronutrients in Milk Using the Avio 220 Max ICP-OES

With its great importance, milk is available in several different forms: fresh, boxed (ultraheat treated), powdered, and evaporated. The most commonly consumed form varies globally, being dependent on factors such as geography, culture, and climate. For milk producers, internal quality control and t ...

The Analysis of Lactose in Milk and Cheese Products by HPLC

Lactose, also referred to as milk sugar, is the primary carbohydrate present in dairy products. Globally, the analysis of lactose is especially important due to the many individuals suffering from lactose intolerance. The work presented herein provides a method for the routine sample preparation and ...

Evaporated Milk - DA 7250

Evaporated milk is an important ingredient for many products and an important form for long term storage of milk. The total solids and fat content are keys to proper performance as an ingredient and long term storage. Correct uantities impart both functional and flavor characteristics. In addition, ...

Yogurt - DA 7250

For yogurt manufacturers, fat and dry matter contents are important quality parameters that define properties of the end product. With a large number of samples, high sample throughput and accurate determination of these parameters is of great benefit. The DA 7250 can analyze yogurt in less than 10 ...

Dairy Testing Solutions Brochure

Analytical technologies from 爱游戏平台注册登录 help dairy farms, processors, and regulators authenticate and protect the integrity and quality of their products. Whether the threat is known or unknown, we offer a range of targeted and nontargeted solutions to aid in the fight against food fraud. And many ...

Veterinary residues & Contaminant Testing

Contaminants may be introduced in milk at different points in the Dairy Chain. Most chemical hazards like mycotoxins, pesticides and some heavy metals may be introduced through the feed due to poor agricultural practice or pollution. At farm level, intensification of dairy production with the consequent increased livestock population may result in a raise in the use of veterinary drugs while other hazards such as disinfectants may find their way into the milk chain through hygienic and industrial practice. The development of rapid, sensitive methods, and advances in the accurate quantification of the contents of complex matrices, continues to shape the industry. 爱游戏平台注册登录 provides faster and accurate technologies to protect consumer confidence and brand reputation in dairy processing laboratories.

Determination of Antibiotics and Veterinary Drugs in Milk by QSight LC/MS/MS

In this study we show two methods for the analysis of over 30 antibiotics and veterinary drugs in milk regulated by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). For polar analyte analysis, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics (apramycin, spectinomycin, and neomycin) in milk, a mixed mode ...

Determination, Confirmation and Quantitation of Multi-Class Antibiotic Residues in Milk by UHPLC MS/

A rapid, rugged and reliable LC/MS/MS method for the analysis of different antibiotic classes in milk with a simple sample preparation method showing good recoveries for most of the antibiotic classes. This method allowes the identification and quantification of target compounds in low ppb range (0. ...

AuroFlow PR1ME BT Combo MRL Assay

The AuroFlow™ PR1ME™ BT Combo MRL Assay is able to detect 14 beta-lactam antibiotics under the European MRL levels, as well as the metabolites of ceftiofur and cephaprin below MRL levels. The assay can detect all 3 regulated tetracycline antibiotics under the European MRL.The validation results indi ...

Validation results of the AuroFlow PRIME Beta-Lactam MRL Assay

AuroFlow™ PRIME Beta-Lactam MRL Assay (Bioo Scientific, Austin, TX) is a competitive receptor test in dipstick format for the rapid detection of residues of ?-lactams (penicillins and cefalosporins) in raw commingled cows’ milk. The time to result for the one-step assay is 3 minutes.

Dairy Testing Solutions Brochure

Analytical technologies from 爱游戏平台注册登录 help dairy farms, processors, and regulators authenticate and protect the integrity and quality of their products. Whether the threat is known or unknown, we offer a range of targeted and nontargeted solutions to aid in the fight against food fraud. And many ...

Adulterant Testing

Adulteration is defined as the act of intentionally debasing the quality of milk offered for sale either by the admixture or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient. The major reason for milk and liquid dairy products adulteration, in fact, is financial gain.

爱游戏平台注册登录 offers a wide range of solutions to help you to screen and detect contaminants in milk such as urea, non-milk fats (vegetable or animal fats), milk from different sources or foreign proteins, melamine on top of other common adulterants.

LactoScope 300 FT-IR Dairy Analyzer

The LactoScope™ 300 FT-IR analyzer combines performance, accuracy, ease-of-use, and speed – analyzing samples and producing results in less than 45 seconds – all in one compact solution. This robust instrument comes with a powerful user interface, step-by-step workflows and built-in connectivity and ...

Global IndiScope FT-IR Milk Analyzer

Designed for milk collection points, 爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s IndiScope™ FT-IR milk analysis system makes milk collection and analysis efficient and reliable. An instrument that is fast, rugged and dependable, it provides accurate results every time. With the IndiScope system, milk collectors can guarantee fai ...

Identifying Quality Parameters in Milk Using the LactoScope FT-A

Efficient production of high-quality dairy products requires full control of incoming milk. Milk at intake may be of a different composition than that of the milk to be marketed, therefore, processors must adjust the composition as per requirements. This compositional modification is also necessary ...

Milk Analysis Using the LactoScope 300

Raw milk is the basis of most dairy products. This makes controlling the quality and safety from incoming tankers at earliest intake essential, as it’s key to process and quality control. Milk that deviates from normality can be harmful in terms of food safety and costly as it can increase waste dur ...

Screening for Melamine Adulteration in Protein-Based Foods by GC/MS

A robust, efficient and definitive analysis of melamine and related analogues. The sample preparation, including extraction and derivatization, are discussed in this paper in addition to the optimized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS) method.

Measure the level of acidity in a milk sample using FTIR technology

A method to measure the level of acidity in a milk sample using FTIR technology.

Determination of the Freezing Point Depression of Milk

The LactoScope method for the prediction of the freezing point depression (FPD) of milk is based on a method described by J. Koops et al. (1989). The FPD is predicted from the sample conductivity and infrared measurements for the concentrations of fat, protein and lactose of a sample.

Dairy Testing Solutions Brochure

Analytical technologies from 爱游戏平台注册登录 help dairy farms, processors, and regulators authenticate and protect the integrity and quality of their products. Whether the threat is known or unknown, we offer a range of targeted and nontargeted solutions to aid in the fight against food fraud. And many ...

Pathogen Testing

Failure of the pasteurization process, excretion from the udder of infected animals, unhygienic milking practice can cause the contamination of processed milk products and consequent exposure of consumers to foodborne pathogens like Listeria, Salmonella and E.Coli in milk. 爱游戏平台注册登录 is now able to provide fast, sensitive and cost effective pathogen detection assays for the detection of Listeria, Salmonella and E.Coli in milk.

Dairy Testing Solutions Brochure

Analytical technologies from 爱游戏平台注册登录 help dairy farms, processors, and regulators authenticate and protect the integrity and quality of their products. Whether the threat is known or unknown, we offer a range of targeted and nontargeted solutions to aid in the fight against food fraud. And many ...

Liquid Dairy Related Technologies
