Meat & Seafood Test Kits | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

Meat & Seafood Test Kits

Reliable testing is key to ensuring food products safety and business success. Take control over your testing process with an easy-to-use test, fast results and accurate outcomes. The use of 爱游戏平台注册登录 test kits guarantees confident testing that complies with regulatory requirements.


HistaStrip - Lateral Flow Kits

Lateral flow test kits are rapid and portable strip testing methods that utilize specific antibodies to detect histamine in milk and seafood products, providing results within minutes. They are easy to use, cost-effective, require no specialized equipment, can be used in the lab or in the field, and provide quick and reliable results enabling timely decision-making for food safety and quality control. Our HistaStrip kit for food screening is manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001.

QuickSTAR Horizon Strip Reader

The QuickSTAR Horizon Strip Reader is an innovative, patented, and robust handheld lateral flow testing system that can deliver both qualitative and quantitative results. The device's cutting-edge technology allows for quick and easy retrieval of outcomes in seconds, thereby increasing testing throughput and efficiency. Its user-friendly interface enable seamless navigation through the pre-programmed test types, while its rechargeable battery ensures uninterrupted operation.

MaxSignal Amoxicillin ELISA Kit
MaxSignal Amoxicillin ELISA Kit

MaxSignal® - ELISA Kits

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kits for histamine, antibiotics and other veterinary drug residues detection are highly sensitive tools that utilize specific antibodies to bind and quantify residues in meat and seafood samples. They are highly specific, have a wide dynamic range, are user-friendly, cost-effective, and can be used in laboratories or on-site for rapid screening. Our ELISA kits for food screening are manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001.

Dynex DS2 Automated

Ideal for laboratories with high sample throughput, this automated ELISA processor is a solution that allows you to improve your workflow, reduce technician time, and boost your testing capacity. By processing two 96-well plates simultaneously, in just an 8-hour shift, you can obtain results for up to 558 samples.
產品與服務 (27)


全部展開 全部折疊
  • Beef (6)
  • Butter (2)
  • Cheese (2)
  • Chicken (9)
  • Curd (2)
  • Egg (4)
  • Egg Powder (1)
  • Feed (8)
  • Fish (17)
  • Fish Meal (1)
  • Honey (10)
  • Kidney (1)
  • Liver (1)
  • Meat (6)
  • Meat Products (2)
  • Milk (8)
  • Milk Powder (3)
  • Mussels (1)
  • Orange Juice (1)
  • Plasma (1)
  • Pork (5)
  • Rice (1)
  • Serum (1)
  • Shrimp (17)
  • Sour Cream (2)
  • Soured Milk (2)
  • Urine (2)
  • Whey (2)
  • Yogurt (2)
  • Chloramphenicol (2)
  • Furaltadone (AMOZ) (3)
  • Furazolidone (AOZ) (2)
  • Nitrofurantoin (AHD) (3)
  • Nitrofurazone (SEM) (3)


1-25 的 27 產品與服務

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