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Nanomaterials Analysis Spotlight


Weighing the Benefits and Risks of Nanotechnology White Paper

Nanomaterials are infinitesimal, but do not let their size fool you. Their surface area actually increases at the nanoparticle scale to infuse these miniature b ...

Nanotechnology and Engineered Nanomaterials - A Primer

The purpose of this primer is to provide some basic information about engineered nanomaterials so that you will be better informed, understand the new ‘jargon’ ...

爱游戏平台注册登录 and Missouri S&T Collaborate on Nanoparticle Study

As with any new field of study, nanotechnology and the creation of ENPs may pose unintended environmental, health, and safety risks demanding further study. The ...

Nanometrology Portfolio Poster

This nanometrology portfolio infographic poster gives you a 1-page overview of the instrumentation required by laboratories for the investigation of nanomateria ...

The Role of Advanced & Nanomaterials in the Development of Battery Materials

Hear Gerlinde Wita's presentation at NanoLytica 2022 which was held at Simon Fraser University in Canada.

Inorganic Nanomaterials

Our Single Particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) solutions allows for the rapid analysis of nanoparticles, measuring thousands of particles in less than a minute, while providing individual particle information on particle size, particle size distribution, particle concentration, dissolved concentration of the element, and agglomeration.

For UV/Vis spectrophotometry, our instruments are known worldwide for data integrity, sampling flexibility and ease of use. Trendsetting features include snap-in modules, innovative accessories and intuitive software, all designed to make your process more efficient, versatile and productive.

Analysis of NIST Gold Nanoparticle Reference Materials Using the NexION Single Particle ICP-MS

To better understand the impact of nanoparticles, several key characteristics need to be assessed, such as concentration, composition, particle size, shape and other surface characteristics. The NexION® SP-ICP-MS, with Syngistix™ Nano Application software module, combines fast, accurate data acquisi ...

Accurate Sizing and Counting of 10 nm Gold Nanoparticles with the NexION ICP-MS

In this work, we demonstrate that 爱游戏平台注册登录 's NexION® 2000 ICP-MS, with its unique RF generator and ion optics, coupled with the Syngistix™ Nano Application Software Module, can be used to accurately measure and characterize NP sizes of 10 nm and smaller, both alone and in a mixture of NPs of vari ...

Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticle Release from Fabrics By Single Particle ICP-MS

In the textile industry, the use of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) is increasing due to their ability to provide UV protection, increase the hydrophilic nature of fabrics, provide antibacterial characteristics, and reduce odors. This work demonstrates the ability of 爱游戏平台注册登录 's NexION ...

Transport of Nanoparticles from Coated Surfaces through Physical Contact

This work investigated the transfer of Ag and CuO nanoparticles from consumer products via simulated dermal contact by using textile wipes as a surrogate using 爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s NexION® ICP-MS single particle analyzer with the unique Syngistix™ Nano Application software module for data collection and an ...

Organic Nanomaterials

To determine particle concentration and composition in organic nanomaterials, we offer industry-leading solutions for Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS), as well as the state of the art in Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy (UV/Vis).

Analysis of SiO2 Nanoparticles in Reaction Mode with Single Particle ICP-MS

With the increased use of nanoparticles (NPs) in various products and processes, the need to characterize them has also increased. Single Particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) was developed for rapid analysis of nanoparticles, measuring thousands of particles in less than a minute, while providing individual ...



Evolved Gas Analysis: Residual Solvent Contamination Measured by Thermogravimetric Analysis-Mass Spectrometry

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of materials is commonly used to measure weight loss from a sample as it is heated or held isothermally. In the pharmaceutical industry, many materials show weight losses associated with the loss of solvent/ water, desolvation or decomposition of the sample. This inf ...

Carbonaceous Nanomaterials

Our advanced thermal analysis systems and hyphenated techniques provide unparalleled insight into the characteristics of carbonaceous nanomaterials, with high levels of accuracy, sensitivity and performance.

You can also leverage our advanced, easy-to-use UV/Vis spectrophotometry instruments, which provide a highly flexible platform for obtaining accurate analysis of carbonaceous nanomaterials.

Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with SP-ICP-MS

Measuring the amount of metals in CNTs presents a challenge. High levels can be measured directly in the solid by several techniques, including XRF and TEM, while low-level analysis requires complete digestion of the sample prior to analysis by ICP-OES or ICP-MS.

Hybrid Nanomaterials

爱游戏平台注册登录 offers the broadest available set of options for your hybrid nanomaterials characterization. And our instruments in each of these areas delivers state-of-the-performance for your most demanding research applications.

  • UV/Vis/NIR
  • Thermal Analysis/Hyphenation

Analysis of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Soil Using Single Particle ICP-MS

This work demonstrates a robust method using SP-ICP-MS technology to detect CeO2 NPs which were extracted from soil samples with tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP). Over the past few decades, engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) have been increasingly used in many commercial products. As a result, more and ...

Improved HyperDSC Method to Determine Specific Heat Capacity of Nanocomposites and Probe for High-Temperature Devitrification

Where ΔCp and ΔCp pure are the changes in specific heat at the glass transition temperature, Tg, for the composite, and for the unfilled polymer, respectively. This work suggests an alternative method for determining Cp that takes advantage of fast heating and cooling rates to obtain quantitative Cp ...

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