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Organics in Water Analysis

Environmental testing labs, potable water suppliers, and waste treatment providers are increasingly responsible for testing higher volumes of samples and time-sensitive assays – all while adhering to strict and often-changing regulations. When it comes to organic pollutants, 爱游戏平台注册登录 stays current with applications and guidance for routine and emerging contaminants in water, delivering solutions for a broad range of volatile and semivolatile methods, 2-MIB, fuel oxygenates and disinfection byproducts, as well as for industrial solvents.

Most drinking water comes from surface and groundwater sources, which are susceptible to pollution by VOCs and SVOCs, including targets in herbicides and pesticides. Due to the chemical properties of these compounds and their detrimental effects on human and environmental health, there are strict limits for their presence in water, wastewater, soil and other wastes. We provide the precise, reliable, high-throughput testing capabilities and ultratrace-level detection essential for ensuring that drinking water sources meet regulatory standards.

Key Organics in Water Analysis Technology

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