We are now two standalone organizations
Life Sciences & Diagnostics and Analytical & Enterprise Solutions


We are now two standalone organizations

  • Life Sciences & Diagnostics

    A Life Sciences and Diagnostics business focused on enabling scientists and healthcare professionals to advance research, discovery and detection to improve global health

  • Analytical & Enterprise Solutions

    An Analytical and Enterprise solutions business, including leading OneSource laboratory services, focused on accelerating scientific outcomes

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Rapid Patient Testing

Rapid Patient Testing shortens the time to clinical decision-making. It reduces turn-around time (TAT) by eliminating delays caused by transport and preparation of clinical samples, delivering improved medical outcome and lower costs. Learn about 爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s Cardiology and Inflammation assays which deliver results with high-sensitivity and specificity in 15 minutes or less.

All information presented is for informational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice. Products may not be licensed in accordance with the laws in all countries, such as the United States and Canada. Please check with your local representative for availability.

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