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生命科學與診斷 & 分析和企業服務

Research & Development

Innovation is the lifeblood of industrial polymer research and development - the push to improve materials or develop new ones infuses new life into the industry. Advancements in manufacturing processes and polymer testing such as root-cause failure analysis, are both essential to successful product enhancements. Precise knowledge of material properties and competitive products is crucial to meeting ever-evolving market demand. R&D labs are looking for polymer analysis techniques, including thermal analysis and FTIR imaging & microscopy, which address a wide variety of sample types, providing detailed insights and solutions that grow with demand.

Our comprehensive polymer product portfolio has the flexibility and high-performance analyzers to support your changing polymer research needs - and you can benefit from unique hyphenated solutions that generate multiple results from one run. With our portfolio of polymer testing instruments you can couple, or hyphenate, multiple instruments to uncover results and insights not possible with individual techniques. These technologies help advance the power of analysis in your laboratory.

  • Identification
  • Mechanical & thermal characteristics (e.g. expansion/contraction, melting point, crystallinity, glass transition)
  • Oxidative stability tests - OIT
  • Residual monomers/oligomers
  • Additive determination
  • Color measurements
    Technologies Available From 爱游戏平台注册登录  
  What Are Your Analytical Needs?
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Industry Analytical Needs - Measurement or Detection
Identification                       Polymer Identification using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy
Polymer & Material Characterisation                 Polymer Identification Using the 爱游戏平台注册登录 Mid-Infrared Polymer Analysis System
Mechanical & Thermal Characteristics                       Characterization of Polyketone Copolymer by High Speed DSC
Analytics of Additives           Detection of Additive Used in Gloves by TG-GC/MS Hyphenation System
Defects, Contamination & Inclusions                 Detection and Identification of Contaminations in the Manufacturing Process Using an IR Microscope
Elemental Analysis/Toxic Metals                           Speciation of Hexavalent Chromium in Children's Toys (EN 71-3 Cat II) with NexSAR HPLC-ICP-MS
Emission Analysis                           Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Wallpapers Using ATD-GCMS
Residual Monomer/Polymer Content                           Determination of Monomers in Polymers by Multiple Headspace Extraction - GC/MS
PCB/PAH                           Determination of the Migration of Phthalate and PAH from Plastic Bags
Bisphenol A                             UHPLC Separation and Detection of Bisphenol A (BPA) in Plastics
Extractables & Leachables                 Assessment of Extractables and Leachables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging
Phtalate Analysis                         Rapid LC/MS/MS Analysis of Phthalates
Residual Solvents                           Determination of Residual Solvents in Flexible Packaging According to EN 13628-2:2004
Plasticizer Characterisation                         Plasticizer Characteristization by TG-IR

Material Characterization

Characterizing the structure, properties, and performance of polymers and compounds under process and usage considerations is key to understanding materials' properties. FT-IR technology leads the way in many industries, for example in the vital analysis of plastic films used extensively in food and pharmaceutical packaging.


Failure Analysis/Contaminants Analysis

Contamination can cause product failure, undesirable aesthetics, or quality issues. Any of these can cause failures of single items or an entire batch. Keep ahead of the competition using our solutions to conduct competitive analysis, detect faults in injection molding and check for surface contamination and coating failures.


Additive Analysis

Substances are added to polymer materials to enhance, change, or protect their properties, and it's critical to characterize all possible additives present in the material. Characterizations include identification of unknown material, quantification of individual additives, and detection of oxidation products.


Emissions Analysis

Testing for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in polymer manufacturing ensures that products comply with international requirements for safeguarding environmental and human health. For example, VDA 278 is a GC/MS thermal desorption method for quantification of VOC emissions from vehicle components.


Evolved Gas Analysis

Do you want to better understand how a material degrades or what gases evolve when it burns? Coupling, or hyphenating, multiple instruments can uncover results and insights not possible with individual techniques. Our Thermogravimetric (TG) instruments can be coupled to Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Mass Spectrometry (MS), or Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) to provide you with greater knowledge. These technologies help advance the power of analysis in your laboratory.


Simulation of Processes by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

The 爱游戏平台注册登录 HyperDSC technique is the most effective and most sensitive DSC technique available for the characterization of both the crystalline and the amorphous phase of a polymeric system. Polymers are often cooled down very fast during process (liquid --> solid), and the temperature of the polymer line as well as cooling rate are very important to control the polymer crystallinity. To mimic the process and understand what is happening in the production process a DSC is required that has the ability to cool down fast enough.


Explore Our Solutions


基於可信的Clarus氣相色譜平台,新出的Clarus® 590和 690 氣相色譜簡單易用,分析性能和樣品通量都能滿足實驗室的要求。 Clarus® 590和 690 氣相色譜平台具備超高的靈敏度,可以配置先進的TurboMatrix™ 樣品處理係統,進樣選擇多樣,包括頂空、熱解析、液體進樣、固相微萃取等,另外還可以 ...


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Your partnership with 爱游戏平台注册登录 doesn't stop when you purchase an instrument. We also have a complete line of consumables and accessories engineered to keep t ...



今時今日,科學實驗室領導者麵臨新的壓力,並要求在尋求更高的實驗室生產率的同時繼續進行創新。隨著時間的愈發緊迫,預算審查的日益嚴格,提高可重複性和技術發展的壓力逐漸增加,可以用於科研活動的時間常常被耗費在非核心工作上。 為了幫助您克服成功路上的這些障礙,OneSource實驗室服務構建了一套完整的解決方案組合,可提供當今 ...



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