
Water Immersion Objectives

Proprietary automated water-immersion objectives with very high numerical aperture deliver and capture more photons and provide a higher resolution in XYZ than conventional objectives – in fact, they capture up to four times more light than high numerical aperture air objectives.

You can benefit in two ways: Delicate live-cell samples can be excited with less light to protect them from photodamage or you can significantly increase the throughput of applications such as 3D stack acquisition.

Water immersion objective

Comparison of images of acquired on Operetta CLS using either an air lens (40x) or a water immersion lens (40x).

HeLa cells labeled with Hoechst (nuclei, blue), anti-a-tubulin-AlexaFluor® 488 (tubulin, green) and TRITC-Phalloidin (actin, orange). Images were acquired using the same exposure settings and are displayed with the same contrast settings. Left: Air objective. Right: Water immersion objective.

3D InSight Human Liver Microtissues from InSphero labeled with Hoechst (nuclei, blue) and CellMask Deep Red plasma membrane stain (membranes, red). Left: Air objective. Right: Water immersion objective.
