Application Support Knowledgebase (ASK)

The assay support knowledgebase (ASK) provides a comprehensive set of technology-specific and application-specific scientific articles, written by our R&D, technical support, and applications teams for scientists, enabling you to access scientific support 24 hours a day/7 days a week, with content-rich information covering assay design and assay development, product selection, detailed sample protocols, sample data, data analysis, tips, troubleshooting tables, video tutorials, and selected citations for common assays developed and run using 爱游戏平台注册登录 technologies.


Alpha Knowledgebase

Find technical information on assay design, development, and tips for running for AlphaLISA and AlphaScreen applications.


SureFire Knowledgebase

This knowledgebase section contains information on Alpha SureFire assay principles, protocols, and links to more detailed information for Alpha SureFire assays.


DELFIA TRF Knowledgebase

Explore our resources for DELFIA time-resolved fluorescence applications, including labeling information and math, sample protocols, sample data, troubleshooting, and videos.

Alpha CETSA Knowledgebase

Alpha CETSA Knowledgebase

Learn about Alpha CETSA® for target engagement and how it is utilized to identify compounds that are more likely to succeed further down the drug discovery workflow.


LANCE TR-FRET Knowledgebase

Learn about assay design, development, and tips for running for LANCE TR-FRET applications.


Microplates Knowledgebase

Select the right microplate for your luminescence, fluorescence, absorbance, high content imaging, and other microplate-based assays, with considerations for plate color, plate material, and plate coatings.

Radiochemicals ASK Knowledgebase

Radiochemicals Knowledgebase

Written by the experts, this section covers radiochemical storage and handling, how to choose a radiochemical for your assay, calculations of radioactive decay, molarity, ahow liquid scintillation counting works, and more...
