Free Amino Acid Analysis in Homogenized Tomato Using the QSight 220 LC/MS/MS | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录

Application Note

Free Amino Acid Analysis in Homogenized Tomato Using the QSight 220 LC/MS/MS


The free amino acid content of produce, such as tomatoes, has an impact on the nutritional value and flavor characteristics of the vegetable. In this application note, the efficient and effective transfer of a commercial laboratory's in-house method to a QSight 220 LC/MS/MS for amino acid determination in tomatoes is detailed. The sample preparation described herein is simple, with a direct-inject analysis without the need for derivatization. The results show good linearity across the expected range of concentrations for all of the amino acids in the sample.
