Detecting the Adulteration of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Controlled Cooling DSC | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录
Detecting the Adulteration of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Controlled Cooling DSC

Application Note

Detecting the Adulteration of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Controlled Cooling DSC

Detecting the Adulteration of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Controlled Cooling DSC


Controlled cooling in the DSC represents a way to extract information from food products not normally accessible by other methods. Extra virgin olive oils have a distinct cooling profile that is different from lesser grades and apparently this profile is quite responsive to changes in composition. This gives a method for addressing adulterants as well as possibly identifying the varietal used to produce the oil. Futher work is planned on the effect of temperature and UV radiation.
