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Application Note

Time Resolved FT-IR Analysis of Cyanoacrylate Curing using Spectrum 3 FT-IR



Resins are used universally in the manufacture of a vast range of goods including electronics, disposable medical devices and even aerospace components. The polymerization reaction responsible for curing resins varies depending on the monomers used. One of the most commonly used types of resin valued for their rapid curing and strength of bond are cyanoacrylates, otherwise known as ‘superglues’. Due to the wide range of resin formulations with different uses and physical properties, it’s important to monitor and understand the mechanisms responsible for curing as well as their rates in order to optimize their efficient usage. This application note describes how the 爱游戏平台注册登录 Spectrum 3 FT-IR with a Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance (UATR) accessory may be used to measure the change in spectral information as the resin cures.
