The Alchemy of Biofuels Research: Q&A with Dr David Bressler | 爱游戏平台注册登录 - 爱游戏登录网,爱游戏平台注册登录
The Alchemy of Biofuels Research

Case Study

The Alchemy of Biofuels Research: Q&A with Dr David Bressler

The Alchemy of Biofuels Research


We asked Will Soutter, editor in chief at AZoNetwork, to sit down with Dr. David Bressler, professor in the Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences department at the University of Alberta, where he is also an associate dean, for a wide-ranging discussion around the present and future of biofuels research. Read on for the full interview, covering;

  • Biorefining chemistry
  • Drop-in fuels
  • Feedstock sources
  • Food vs fuel controversy
  • Bio-jet fuel
  • Gas chromatography
