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采用LabChip Touch電泳係統進行蛋白樣本分析,可以通過分析尺寸和純度的自動化步驟來節約時間和金錢,並代替瓊脂糖凝膠和成像。
產品品牌名稱 | LabChip GXII |
運輸條件 | 軟體藍冰 |
The Protocols defined in this User Guide apply to all of the LabChip instrument products running the Protein Express Assay. The LabChip GXII Touch is used for general visual reference in most examples in this guide.
A Protein Express Assay Quick Guide for LabChip GXII Touch and LabChip GXII which includes: Preparing Gel-Dye and Protein Express Chip; Preparing Protein Samples, Ladder and Buffer; Chip Cleaning and Storage; and Assay Specifications.