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Isopentenyl pyrophosphate, triammonium salt, [4-14C]-, 10 µCi (370 kBq)

Isopentenyl pyrophosphate, labeled with C-14. 14C-isopentenyl pyrophosphate (14C-IPP) is commonly used in terpene biosynthesis studies.

10 µCi
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10 µCi quantities of [4-14C]-Isopentenyl Pyrophosphate, Triammonium Salt are available for your research. Application of [14C]IPP can be found in: isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase deficiency in cyanobacteria, effect of different allylic diphosphates on the initiation of new rubber molecules, purification, properties and heteromeric association of type-1 and type-2 FPPSs, activation and inhibition of rubber transferases by metal cofactors and pyrophosphate substrates, etc.

Special Information :
Caution is urged in the handling of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, triammonium salt, [4-14C]- as it has been found to be relatively unstable. Basic conditions (pH> 7.5) should be maintained at all times to prevent hydrolysis. Lyophilization or rotary evaporation is the procedure recommended for solvent removal or concentration. The compound should not be allowed to remain in the dry state for longer than is absolutely necessary. If the compound is spotted for paper or thin layer chromatography, it should not be allowed to dry and chromatogram development should be initiated immediately after spotting.

Conversion to other salts: The triammonium salt may be converted to that of another cation by passing it through a column of exchange resin in the form of the desired cation. A 1-2mL quantity of thoroughly washed resin is generally satisfactory. Necessary precautions should be exercised to minimize any breakdown from occurring during this procedure.


濃度 <1.0 mCi/mL
檢測方法 Radiometric
標簽位置 Specifically Labeled
產品品牌名稱 NEN Radiochemicals
放射性同位素 C-14
放射性核素 14C
運輸條件 幹冰
特殊訂購信息 This is a radioactive product - shipping address must have a license to receive radioactive materials.
產品尺寸 10 µCi
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Chromium-51 Handling Precautions

This document contains general information designed to provide a basic understanding of radiation safety. While we believe the information to be accurate, regulatory requirements may change and information contained herein is not tailored to individual needs.

PDF 107 KB
Carbon-14 Handling Precautions

This document contains general information designed to provide a basic understanding of radiation safety. While we believe the information to be accurate, regulatory requirements may change and information contained herein is not tailored to individual needs.

PDF 102 KB