新型LAMBDA® 365+ 雙光束紫外/可見光譜儀憑借其出色的性能,使研究人員和分析人員能夠準確測量高吸光度液體,並掌握其化學動力學特征。大樣品室以及與軟件完全集成的各種配件使采樣更加靈活,並精簡了工作流程,期間無需大量培訓即可滿足所有通量需求。
false false
LAMBDA 365+ 雙光束紫外/可見光譜儀具有高穩定性和低雜散光,可提供0.5 nm至20 nm可變光譜帶寬能力,以及可輕鬆容納10多種采樣配件組合的大樣品室。帶有軟件識別功能且易於安裝的配件可顯著減少設置時間和工作量。多池更換器(可選)由儀器軟件自動對齊,以優化樣品位置,從而在各種常規應用中獲得理想結果,包括:
遵循21 CFR第11部分標準
LAMBDA 365+ 觸控減少了實驗室占地麵積
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
深度 | 59.5 cm |
高度 | 27.2 cm |
型號名稱 | LAMBDA 365+ |
產品品牌名稱 | LAMBDA 365+ |
技術類型 | UV/Vis Spectroscopy |
重量 | 23.8 kg |
寬度 | 53.5 cm |
Learn about the advanced capabilities of the LAMBDA 365+ UV/Vis spectrophotometer with the fixed angle specular reflectance accessory. This technical note explores precise reflectance measurements crucial for solar energy, semiconductors, and optics indu
Scientists, QA/QC analysts, and lab technicians in a wide variety of fields need to analyze samples quickly, accurately, and easily through their UV-Vis systems.
QA/QC analysts and lab technicians in a wide variety of fields – pharma and biopharma, applied materials, optics, food, and academia among them – need to analyze samples quickly, accurately, and easily through their UV/Vis systems, with better turnaround times, confidence in results, and increased p ...
UV/Vis spectrometers are highly versatile instruments employed in a wide variety of applications. The development of microvolume cuvettes that can be easily fitted in UV/Vis spectrometers allows ultra low sample volumes while maintaining the desired accuracy. In this application, the LAMBDA® 365+ UV ...
UV/Vis spectroscopy represents a powerful technique to study any analyte that is able to absorb light in the UV and Visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. When proteins contain aromatic side chain amino acids and disulfide bonds,1 these complex biomolecules fall into this category of analyt ...
Quantification of RNA can be easily carried out exploiting the Beer-Lambert’s Law which defines the direct proportion between the concentration of a sample and the quantity of light absorbed. Based on the presence of purine and pyridine heterocyclic aromatic rings, nucleic acids are able to absorb l ...
a-chymotrypsinogen is a precursor, or zymogen, of chymotrypsin. Chymotrypsin fulfils the role of breaking down proteins into smaller peptides in the digestive tract. It also displays an interesting property in that, when it unfolds due to thermal denaturation, it is able to refold when cooled back t ...
Engine coolants are an important fluid sometimes neglected in motor vehicles. Some citations in the literature report that a major cause of engine failure behind lubricant failure, is that of the coolant. Nitrite (NO2-) is a common additive to coolant formulations that is used to prevent pitting of ...
All pharmaceutical packaging systems need to comply with performance requirements to guarantee the integrity and safety of the contained drug throughout its lifecycle, from manufacturing to distribution and ultimately to the end-user. Monitoring spectral transmission helps ensure that the container ...