爱游戏平台注册登录 PinAAcle™ 500是世界首款完全耐腐蝕的火焰原子吸收光譜儀,專為應對最為惡劣的實驗環境和高腐蝕性樣品而設計。它具有超長使用壽命,耐用性強,維護成本低,可提供業內最高的投資回報率。
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PinAAcle 500是一款火焰原子吸收光譜儀,具有可靠耐用、集成度高、功能齊全、易於使用、性能卓越等特點。PinAAcle配有一個觸摸屏,可以通過Syngistix Touch™操作軟件進行直觀而便利的操作;也可通過普通Syngistix™ AA操作軟件進行操作。
PinAAcle 500的設計特點包括:
PinAAcle 500專為成本低廉、性能卓越而設計,是一款即使實驗室預算有限也可以擁有的耐用、可靠的火焰原子吸收光譜儀。
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
高度 | 64.0 cm |
型號名稱 | PinAAcle 500 |
便攜式 | No |
產品品牌名稱 | PinAAcle |
保修 | 1 Year |
重量 | 57.0 kg |
寬度 | 67.0 cm |
PinAAcle 500係列原子吸收光譜儀產品手冊
爱游戏登录网 提供的分析檢測儀器有能力幫助穀物行業以經濟的方式生產營養的食品。我們的穀物分析解決方案包括三個主要領域 —— 質量成分分析、功能特性檢測和食品安全監控。
Engineered to deliver an uncompromising level of performance at an unbeatable price, the PinAAcle™ 500 puts the industry’s most robust, reliable flame AA spectrometer within reach of even the most budget-conscious laboratories. It offers superior durability, longer life, lower ma ...
Grains, whether consumed whole or processed, have nutritional and functional requirements and must be safe for consumption, and the only way to ensure grain quality is through rigorous testing. That’s where 爱游戏平台注册登录 come in. Our easy-to-operate, integrated testing and analytical solutions enco ...
爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s Syngistix for AA Express software for the PinAAcle 900H AA spectrometer reduces complexity and speeds analysis time for an unmatched user experience.
Consumers are exposed to low levels of heavy metals on a daily basis and long term exposure can have negative health impacts. Since the elements themselves are distributed unevenly throughout, for example, cereal grain, with the germ and the outer layers having the highest concentrations, analyzi ...
Product Certificate for the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Model PinAAcle 500
這項研究工作表明PinAAcle 900光譜儀能可靠、有效的分析各種各樣的果汁樣品裏的銅、鐵、鎂、錳、鋅、鉀、鈉和鈣較寬濃度範圍的含量。而使用FAST Flame 2組件進行自動稀釋、標準校準,增加了樣品通量和提高了實驗室的生產力,同時減少了人為誤差。
砷可以通過多種途徑進入食物中。近年來,各種有機砷化合物被用作生長領域的除草劑和抗菌劑,並直接應用於水果和果樹上。本應用闡述了一種可成功應用於嬰兒食品和果汁中砷測定的方法。Multiwave 3000消解係統在高溫高壓過程中,使樣品完全消解並變得澄清,而砷沒有損失。AAnalyst 800係統采用縱向塞曼扣背景,消除基體幹擾,得到好的峰型和回收率。
本實驗著重研究采用爱游戏登录网 PinAAcle 500火焰原子吸收光譜儀測定飲用水中的七個無毒元素,包括城市水、井水以及泉水。
這項工作證明的能力快速火焰2樣品自動化配件加上AAnalyst 400火焰原子吸收光譜儀快速、 準確地分析銅礦石樣品中。
本文基於微波消解係統,使用標準加入法消除基體效應和縱向塞曼效應背景校正,石墨爐原子吸收法(AA600 或 AA800)適合於常規重金屬的分析。
利用AAnalyst 800型原子吸收分光光度計建立了土壤樣品中必須營養物質的順序測定方法。
基於 Cr(Ⅲ)與噻吩甲酰三氟丙酮(TTA)生成的絡合物在石墨爐中的揮發性,本文建立了一種前處理簡單、靈敏度高的測定雞蛋中六價鉻的分析方法。
此項工作證明了用PinAAcle 900火焰原子吸收法測定啤酒中幾種元素的能力。玻璃瓶和金屬罐中的啤酒之間沒有顯著差異。
這項工作展示了PinAAcle 900火焰原子吸收光譜儀測量葡萄酒中銅、鐵和錳的能力,符合中國葡萄酒進口法規,結合快速火焰樣品自動進樣器以提高分析通量。
本文描述了通過PinAAcle 500火焰原子吸收光譜儀對葡萄酒中的銅,鐵,錳進行測定的實驗。
這項工作證明的pinaacle 500 AA光譜儀具備精確測定礦石融熔合金錠中低含量金、鈀、鉑、銅、銀的能力。
綜上所述,本研究建立了一種利用PinAAcle 900T石墨爐原子吸收光譜法準確測定不同乳製品中Pb的快速方法,該方法僅對樣品進行簡單稀釋,就能夠適用自動進樣分析。
Increased knowledge about the nutrient content of biological organisms is essential for a thorough understanding of ecological stoichiometry and nutrient transport in and among ecosystems.
Soil is used in agriculture, where it serves as the primary nutrient base for the plants. Soil material is a critical component in the mining and construction industries. Soil serves as a foundation for most construction projects.
Elemental analysis of fuel oil is an important step in quantifying its quality. Combustion of fuels containing metals can lead to the formation of low melting-point compounds that are corrosive to metal parts. The presence of certain metals, even at trace levels, can deactivate or foul catalysts ...
This work demonstrates the analysis of mineral elements in a variety of drinking waters using the PinAAcle 900 AA spectrometer coupled with a FAST Flame accessory.
Consumers select fruit juice because it is a tasty, convenient beverage and generally understood to be a more nutritious alternative to carbonated beverages. For 100% juice products, the nutrition content of the original fruit itself is well known, which translates to the expected nutritional val ...
When mining for precious metals, ores are extracted from the ground and subjected to various sample preparation procedures in order to remove the metals of interest. A commonly used procedure to isolate metals from the ore is fire-assay, which leaves a matrix-free “button” of the metal. This work ...
This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 500 Flame AA spectrometer to accurately measure major components in drinking waters.
For many years, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) has been a reliable technique and the preferred method for this heavy metals analysis of tea leaves.
With the popularity of wine consumption continuing to grow, regulations are being implemented as to the metal content allowed in wines. These analyses can be easily accomplished using flame atomic absorption (AA) spectrometry. This work demonstrates the accurate analysis of copper (Cu), iron (Fe) ...
This application note describes an accurate and reliable microwave-assisted sample pretreatment procedure for the determination of arsenic, cadmium and lead in spices using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS).
Precise and accurate measurements at the regulated levels are an important factor for assuring safe drinking water. U.S. EPA Method 200.91 is the method cited by EPA, Health Canada, and the WHO for the use of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). In evaluating a GFAAS system for d ...
The performance of this method was validated by assessing the Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and China National Institute of Metrology (NIM) as well as by comparing these results with those obtained using inductively coupled plas ...
Contamination of industrial and municipal water supplies with arsenic (As), selenium (Se), and mercury (Hg) can occur from natural deposits, industrial discharge, runoff from mining, landfill and agricultural operations.
The fertilizer industry helps to ensure that farmers have the nutrients they need to grow enough crops to meet the world's requirements for food, feed, fiber and energy.
To protect the integrity of semiconductor and electronics end-products, semiconductor researchers and developers (R&D) and manufacturing QA/QC functions face unique challenges to reduce contaminates, sometimes down to ultra-trace levels. Metal determination in the sub-ppb range are required for t ...
The production of high-quality graphite components for atomic absorption spectroscopy requires stringent quality control. To ensure high quality and consistency, a specific high-density base graphite material has been developed for use with 爱游戏平台注册登录 graphite furnace systems.
This document provides detailed instructions regarding the space, accessories and utilities required to operate 爱游戏平台注册登录 ’s PinAAcle family of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers (500 and 900 series) and other major AA accessories.
All of the 爱游戏平台注册登录 consumables and supplies for your 爱游戏平台注册登录 PinAAcle 500 Flame AA.
完達山與爱游戏平台注册登录 的合作始於12年前。2001年,完達山被選為中歐乳製品與食品加工技術和業務合作項目的主要合作夥伴。作為該項合作的一部分,爱游戏平台注册登录 為完達山提供技術和全麵的解決方案,幫助完達山快速提升其在乳製品行業中日益增長的國際聲譽。
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of face masks by the general public has become a critical personal protective measure to minimize person-to-person transmission. While health care workers use medical or surgical masks, the general population uses non-medical, otherwise known as hy ...
爱游戏平台注册登录 儀器是全球行業標準,其配件、耗材、方法和應用也可滿足最苛刻的要求,是全球數千個實驗室的首選。