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Sodium Bicarbonate, [14C], Specific Activity: 40-60mCi (1.48-2.22GBq)/mmol, 5mCi (185MBq)

Sodium bicarbonate, labeled with C-14. 14C-bicarbonate is commonly used in lipid labeling, glucose metabolism, and bicarbonate transport studies.

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1 mCi
1390.00 USD
5 mCi
3110.00 USD
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1 mCi quantities of [14C]-Sodium Bicarbonate are available for your research. Application of [14C]Bicarbonate can be found in: tissue sequestration of C-labelled bicarbonate [HCO3-] in fed and fasted young sheep, hypoglycemic agent suppressing hepatic glucose output via gluconeogenesis by reducing glucose-6-phosphatase activity in obese rats, effects of chronic metabolic acidosis on splanchnic protein turnover and oxygen consumption in human beings, production and cycling of natural microbial exopolymers (EPS) within a marine stromatolite, impacts of diesel fuel exposure on the microphytobenthic community of an intertidal sand flat, etc.

HOW TO USE: Since the sodium bicarbonate, [14C]- solutions are thermally sensitive, the following procedure for using the product is recommended:Shake ampoule just prior to opening. Gently tap ampoule to remove any solution remaining in the head. Open ampoule while still cold. Failure to Follow the Above Directions May Result in the Incomplete Recovery of Sodium Bicarbonate, [14C]-.

NOTE: Ensure dilution solvent is basic. Product is packaged in water, pH 9.5. Aliquoting the solution into an acidic solvent will result in significant radioactivity loss as gaseous carbon dioxide [14C]-.


Concentration 1 mCi/mL
Detection Method Radiometric
Label Position Specifically Labeled
Molecular Weight 84.0
Packaging Glass Ampoule
Product Brand Name NEN Radiochemicals
Radioisotope C-14
Radionuclide 14C
Shipping Condition Ambient
Special Ordering Information This is a radioactive product - shipping address must have a license to receive radioactive materials.
Unit Size 5 mCi
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Radiometric Reagents Guide 2010-2011

For over 50 years 爱游戏平台注册登录 has been a leading supplier of radiochemicals, liquid scintillation cocktails, vials and nuclear counting detection instruments. Today is no different. We have always been committed to providing you products for all of your radiometric needs and we are still committed t ...



Carbon-14 Handling Precautions

This document contains general information designed to provide a basic understanding of radiation safety. While we believe the information to be accurate, regulatory requirements may change and information contained herein is not tailored to individual needs.

PDF 102 KB
Chromium-51 Handling Precautions

This document contains general information designed to provide a basic understanding of radiation safety. While we believe the information to be accurate, regulatory requirements may change and information contained herein is not tailored to individual needs.

PDF 107 KB