
Results for 'AL3171'

Resource Library (6)
Document Type
  • Safety Data Sheets (4)
  • Certificate of Analysis (1)
Catalog Number
  • AL3171HVAL3171 (1)
MSDS Country
  • United States (4)
MSDS Language
  • English (4)
Lot Date
  • 2023-01-05 (1)
Lot Number
  • 3165435 (1)
Resource Library
  • Data Sheet (1)

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1-6 of 6 Resource Library

Products & Services (2)

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1-2 of 2 Products & Services

  • AlphaLISA assay technology

    AlphaLISA Human IgG1 Detection Kit

    The AlphaLISA® IgG1 Detection Kit is designed for the quantitative determination of human IgG1 in serum, buffered solution, or cell culture medium using a homogeneous (no wash steps, no separation steps) assay.

    This kit is a replacement for AL307.

    Price Range : 1043.00 USD - 14500.00 USD
  • AlphaLisa Analyte 2

    AlphaLISA Human IgG1 Detection Kit, Standard

    Human IgG1 lyophilized standard, for use in running standard curves in AlphaLISA® no-wash immunoassays. This standard is already provided in the AlphaLISA Human IgG1 Detection Kit, but can be ordered separately.

    List Price : 356.00 USD