
Results for 'ALSU-TP70-A'

Resource Library (19)
Document Type
  • Certificate of Analysis (13)
  • Safety Data Sheets (5)
Catalog Number
  • ALSU-TP70-A-HV (7)
  • ALSU-TP70-A500 (6)
MSDS Country
  • United States (5)
MSDS Language
  • English (5)
Lot Date
  • 2020-07-29 (1)
  • 2021-02-10 (3)
  • 2021-09-20 (4)
  • 2022-05-10 (3)
  • 2022-10-10 (2)
Lot Number
  • U10032 (1)
  • U10278 (1)
  • U10849 (1)
  • U11168 (1)
  • U12092 (1)
  • U5833 (1)
  • U6973 (1)
  • U7496 (1)
  • U7601 (1)
  • U8398 (1)
  • U8548 (1)
  • U8746 (1)
  • U9203 (1)
Resource Library
  • Data Sheet (1)

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1-19 of 19 Resource Library

Products & Services (2)
  • Kinase (2)
  • Protein Analysis & Detection (2)
  • Target Engagement (1)
Assay Points (200-50,000)
  • 100 (1)
  • 10000 (1)
  • 500 (1)
  • 50000 (1)

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1-2 of 2 Products & Services

  • AlphaLISA phospho-SYK detection kit

    Total p70 S6K AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra Detection Kit

    The AlphaLISA® SureFire® Ultra™ total p70 S6K assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of p70 S6K (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization or control assay in conjunction with the AlphaLISA SureFire phospho-p70 S6K assay.

    This kit has been pre-validated for use in combination with Pelago Bioscience’s CETSA® (Cellular Thermal Shift Assay) technology. Please note that further assay optimization will be required in order to adapt the kit to your particular cell line and experimental conditions. A valid CETSA® licence from Pelago Bioscience or a single kit agreement is required for using the CETSA® technology.

    Price Range : 662.00 USD - 43900.00 USD
  • AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra Lysate

    AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra Total p70 S6K Control Lysate

    Extra control lysate for the AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra total p70 S6K assay. This control is already provided in the AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra total p70 S6K assay kit, but can also be ordered separately.
    List Price : 136.00 USD