
Results for 'BW133416'

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  • Certificate of Analysis (1)
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  • BW133416 (1)
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  • NA (1)
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  • ANY (1)
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  • Flyer (2)
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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • cell line vials and holder 700x700 final.jpg

    IVISbrite PC3 Red F-luc-GFP Bioluminescent Tumor Cell line (Bioware Brite)

    The IVISbrite PC3 Red-F-luc-GFP tumor cell line (Bioware® Brite PC3-Red-FLuc-GFP) is a light-producing and fluorescent cell line derived from PC3 human prostate adenocarcinoma. The cells have been stably transduced with the red-shifted firefly luciferase gene from Luciola Italica (Red F-luc) fused to GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), for a brighter, red-shifted bioluminescent or green fluorescent signal.