
Results for 'NEV10053EX'

Resource Library (5)
Document Type
  • Certificate of Analysis (2)
  • Safety Data Sheets (2)
Catalog Number
  • NEV10053EX (2)
MSDS Country
  • EU (1)
  • United States (1)
MSDS Language
  • English (2)
Lot Date
  • NA (2)
Lot Number
  • ANY (2)
Resource Library
  • Technical Note (1)

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1-5 of 5 Resource Library

Products & Services (1)

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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • ivisense probes 700x700 final.jpg

    IVISense Osteo Fluorescent Probes (OsteoSense)

    Image and quantify osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer metastases, and other bone diseases, as well as normal bone growth and resorption, in vivo with IVISSense Osteo Fluorescent Imaging probes (OsteoSense). As opposed to other imaging modalities such as CT or x-ray which raise the risk of harmful irradiation to the subject, in vivo fluorescence imaging offers no radiation exposure concerns, and when performed with optimized hydroxyapatite-targeted probes such as IVISense Osteo, can image and quantify bone growth and elucidate the biology of bone remodeling.

    IVISense Osteo probes are available in 3 wavelengths: 680, 750, and 800.

    For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

    List Price : 543.00 USD