
Results for 'NEV11053'

Resource Library (7)
Document Type
  • Safety Data Sheets (3)
  • Certificate of Analysis (1)
Catalog Number
  • NEV11053 (1)
MSDS Country
  • EU (1)
  • United States (1)
  • Korea (1)
MSDS Language
  • English (2)
  • Korean (1)
Lot Date
  • NA (1)
Lot Number
  • ANY (1)
Resource Library
  • Ebook (1)
  • Flyer (1)
  • Technical Note (1)

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1-7 of 7 Resource Library

Products & Services (1)

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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • In vivo Fluorescent Agents

    IVISense Annexin-V 750 Fluorescent Probe (Annexin-Vivo)

    IVISense Annexin-V 750 fluorescent imaging probe (Annexin-Vivo) is designed to enable in vivo visualization and quantification of membrane-bound phosphatidylserine (PS) during the early stages of apoptosis.

    For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

    List Price : 713.00 USD