
Results for 'PING12'

Resource Library (8)
Document Type
  • Certificate of Analysis (6)
  • Safety Data Sheets (1)
Catalog Number
  • PING12 (6)
MSDS Country
  • United Kingdom (1)
MSDS Language
  • English (1)
Lot Date
  • 2020-12-09 (1)
  • 2021-03-30 (1)
  • 2021-04-13 (2)
  • 2021-05-10 (1)
  • 2022-05-25 (1)
Lot Number
  • 01A (1)
  • 01B (1)
  • 02A (1)
  • 02B (1)
  • 03A (1)
  • 06G (1)
Resource Library
  • Product Info (1)

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1-8 of 8 Resource Library

Products & Services (1)

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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • PhenoVue Cell Painting Kit

    PhenoVue Cell Painting Kit

    PhenoVue Cell Painting Kits comprise 6 validated, pre-optimized fluorescent probes, and associated diluent to streamline the cell painting workflow.

    The kits offer excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility, are supplied with a step-by-step protocol, and are available in a range of pack sizes to match your throughput requirements.

    PhenoVue Cell Painting Kits are validated for use on high-content screening systems such as the Opera Phenix® Plus system.

    List Price : 1007.00 USD