
Results for 'TRF4028'

Resource Library (9)
Document Type
  • Safety Data Sheets (5)
  • Certificate of Analysis (3)
Catalog Number
  • TRF4028CTRF4028 (3)
MSDS Country
  • United States (3)
  • EU (2)
MSDS Language
  • English (5)
Lot Date
  • 2022-01-21 (1)
  • 2023-01-05 (2)
Lot Number
  • 2974236 (1)
  • 3111994 (1)
  • 3142679 (1)
Resource Library
  • Manual (1)

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1-9 of 9 Resource Library

Products & Services (3)
Assay Points (200-50,000)
  • 10000 (2)
  • 500 (2)
Assay Target Class
  • Phosphoprotein (2)
  • Protein (1)
Therapeutic Area
  • Autoimmunity (3)
  • Immuno-oncology (3)
  • Metabolic (1)
  • Oncology (3)
  • Respiratory (2)

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1-3 of 3 Products & Services

  • LANCE Ultra control lysate

    LANCE Ultra STAT1 Positive Control Lysate

    Control lysates for LANCE Ultra TR-FRET cellular phospho-STAT1 and total STAT1 detection assays.
    List Price : 469.00 USD
  • Phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) LANCE Ultra TR-FRET Detection Kit

    LANCE Ultra phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) kits are designed for the detection of phosphorylated STAT1 in cell lysates using a simple, homogeneous LANCE Ultra assay (no wash steps). This assay is compatible with both adherent and suspension cells.
    Price Range : 1947.00 USD - 8800.00 USD
  • LANCE Ultra Biomarker

    Total STAT1 LANCE Ultra TR-FRET Detection Kit

    LANCE Ultra total STAT1 kits are designed for the detection of STAT1 (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cell lysates using a simple, homogeneous LANCE Ultra TR-FRET assay (no wash steps). This assay is compatible with both adherent and suspension cells, and is intended to be used as a control or normalization assay in conjunction with the LANCE phospho-STAT1 assay.
    Price Range : 1947.00 USD - 8800.00 USD