
Results for 'NEL152001EA'

Resource Library (12)
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  • Safety Data Sheets (12)
MSDS Country
  • Norway (1)
  • Australia (1)
  • Finland (1)
  • United Kingdom (1)
  • Netherlands (1)
  • Germany (1)
  • Sweden (1)
  • United States (1)
  • France (1)
  • Spain (1)
  • Italy (1)
  • Denmark (1)
MSDS Language
  • English (3)
  • Danish (1)
  • French (1)
  • Norwegian (1)
  • Italian (1)
  • German (1)
  • Dutch (1)
  • Swedish (1)
  • Spanish (1)
  • Finnish (1)

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1-12 of 12 Resource Library

Products & Services (1)

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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • Western Lightning ONE Femto Ultra, Chemiluminescent Substrates

    When proteins are low and antibodies are precious, our extreme-level pre-mixed one-component chemiluminescent horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate with low antibody consumption is the right choice. Western Lightning ONE Femto Ultra can detect low-femtogram protein levels in western blots with superior signal intensity.
    List Price : 723.00 USD